Cambié de trabajo y todo parecía estar estancado, ordené el Road Opener y esa misma semana comenzaron a llegarme clientes y en una semana he tenido 3 reconocimientos en el trabajo. Si sientes que necesitas un push, no lo pienses más y abre tus caminos. Gracias Lila por ser el contacto con los demons.
If you need to open your path, order the Road Opener; you’ll see a change from the first day Lila does the work.
Since I met her, my life has been changed, and the unresolved issues have been resolved. In the past few days, I have bought three more, and now I only trust her.
I’m interested in services. Awful lot of testimonials here. Don’t want scammers. I just want my ex back. That’s it and that’s all. Reading reviews. Don’t know which one to use.
Today I offered my gratitude to Lilith and all the demons who are helping me <3 It is amazing to see the spells begin to work and see progress in my life <3
About two months ago I ordered a spell to have one of my ex friends re enter my life. They blocked me and cut off all contract just over a year ago. Today they just unblocked me and followed me on Instagram. There’s no way this is just a coincidence, I can’t believe I ever had even the slightest doubt in Lilith’s power. You’re an incredible person Lila. If you let go and let the magic just do its thing It seems results are only a matter of time.
I could not end the year without a expressing my gratitude to Lila and making an offering to Lilith and the beautiful demons that make all things possible. I think back to where I was one year ago. Crossing paths with Lila is the best thing that has happened to me as an adult. I still have much work to do, but Lila has helped set me on the path that I know will give me the life I want and deserve.
Lila and her work is a symbol of privilege in my life. The luxuries I decided to give myself are Lila’s spells. This whole past year, I set a plan in motion to bring me peace and justice from the actions of others who hurt me deeply. This year, I am focusing on myself and continuing to create a future that I have always wanted and NOW realize I deserve.
Lila is one of a kind. Her work goes beyond her spells – which are beautiful and a work of art by themselves. She invites us to learn and experience life in a different way through her blog and her posts from her travels. She offers us an alternative perspective that is free of institutional restrictions. Lila has liberated me. Lila has given me the life that I always wanted and didn’t know I deserved.
For this and so many other reasons, I make my offering of gratitude and respect. Thank you Lila. You are a treasure. ❤️💎
Word’s will never be enough to describe my gratitude and respect…
Thank you
I am so filled with excitement. I have ordered 4 life changers (spells). She finished the first today. I am filled with confidence and believe she and the demons will make it successful. I just need to sit back and watch 2024 happen. I have more to order after the new year!
I needed to share an update on the results of the Debt Release Ritual. I just had a six figure debt forgiven. This would not have been possible otherwise. I’m speechless. This is not a debt that was even remotely possible of going away, but I know that it is Lila’s magic that made this possible. I’m drunk with gratitude and appreciation to Lila and the powerful demon Bune. With much respect, I will make an offering to the gratitude jar. Thank you my dear Lila!!! 🖤
I had Lilith perform two rituals for me- come back to me and dream of me- the target and I have spoken recently for the first time in months and we are back on track! I am so thankful and excited to see this movement and it honestly happened amazingly fast just like Lilith says! He was so much more expressive and told me how much he missed me! I am looking forward to doing more work with Lilith and watching my beautiful love story unfold. If your thinking of purchasing why wait? Lilith will change your life. Thank you Lilith! Hail Lilith! <3
« Il écoute, il est bon, il attend et il fournit ».
Je reviens dans la section des témoignages pour faire part d’une mise à jour, suite au précédent laissé le 25 Août 2023. Nous sommes le 1er Décembre 2023 et j’avais commandés plusieurs sorts me concernant directement : la motivation, l’intelligence, la guérison émotionnelle et la richesse.
Entre-temps, j’avais réservé pour Samhain 2023 avec un sort prévu, mais je le garde pour moi : je dirais juste qu’il est la fin de la phase 1 et que le 31 Octobre 2024 sera la fin de la phase 2 et ainsi de suite….
Dans la situation où j’ai sollicité les honneurs du premier démon, à travers la toute première commande en Avril 2023, c’est avec la reine Lilith lorsque j’ai effectué le premier sort qui était celui de la rupture, concernant un ennemi que je considérais comme un « cobaye » (ou « sujet de test », si vous préférez, peu importe), suivi d’un autre sort de rupture et du sort « Rêve de moi », tous deux pour une femme qui me plaisait mais qui était partie avec son ex avant et dont je n’avais pas accepté cela.
Jusque là, je n’ai pas réussi à la revoir (elle est toujours dans le secteur, à une trentaine de minutes de route) mais j’ai pu constater qu’elle a « ouvert » son facebook le jour du 31 Octobre alors que c’était complètement fermé, niveau galerie photos par exemple. Est-ce un signe ? Quelque soit le résultat, ce sera uniquement moi le responsable.
Mais dans la mesure où je parle du premier démon à qui j’ai sollicité les honneurs pour mon propre cas, c’est Paimon.
Très rapidement, j’ai été comme « attiré » vers le sort de motivation et tout, dans sa description m’attirait : son image d’illustration, sa description, absolument tout. Une fois le rituel effectué, deux semaines après, j’ai eu le courage d’aller seul, dans un endroit bien particulier à deux reprises, de vaincre la peur que je pouvais avoir en y entrant, de casser tous les clichés et de pouvoir en ressortir grandi.
Le sort me permet aussi de ne plus avoir des phases de procrastinations et de sentir comme des coups de boosts pour ainsi faire ce qui doit être fait, même dans mon entourage, on le constate alors que ce n’était pas le cas avant.
Il me permet aussi de prévoir sur le long terme avec pour objectif une amélioration générale et de gagner en élégance : il faut savoir que les autres sorts au tout début de ce témoignage ont été effectués le mois suivant celle de la motivation, ce qui rajoute aussi à tout cela.
J’ai décidé de faire une offrande à travers Lila pour Paimon car ses honneurs sont tout simplement ma colonne vertébrale (oui, littéralement) : je préfère ne pas imaginer ce que je serais devenu maintenant si je n’avais pas découvert Lilith Argelich, notre adorable sorcière, ainsi que le sort de motivation. Je me sens tellement honoré de ce résultat que chaque sort effectué, ainsi que ceux qui seront prévus à l’avenir, sont comme un pas fait en avant vers le royaume démoniaque.
L’offrande qui est faite concerne Paimon, mais je prévois aussi pour plus tard, des offrandes pour les autres démons dont j’ai demandé leurs aides: je refuse de les dénigrer, que ce soit Seere pour l’intelligence, Marbas et la reine Lilith pour la guérison émotionnelle et le démon avec qui je suis lié par le pacte démoniaque pour l’argent (je garde volontairement son nom pour moi).
Et pour toutes les personnes qui veulent honorer, il y a aussi un autre moyen et c’est notre adorable sorcière, Lila, qui en parle le mieux sur Instagram :
« Soyez l’offrande. Si vous êtes heureux, confiant et féroce, vous les rendrez fiers. Montrez votre valeur. Profitez de votre vie et soyez reconnaissant pour chaque changement positif. Montrez-leur que leurs efforts ne seront pas vains. »
J’ai encore tellement de choses à dire mais ce serait trop long. Je tenais vraiment à laisser un témoignage fait avec le cœur, principalement sur Paimon. Je tiens à remercier chaque client ayant laissé le sien depuis ce site : c’est toujours un plaisir de les lire. Je sais que j’y reviendrais à l’avenir pour apporter de nouveau, ma contribution à la réputation fiable et professionnelle de Lilith Argelich.
La patience et la gratitude sont les deux plus grandes forces que chacun d’entre nous, pouvons exprimer pour honorer aussi bien notre adorable luciférienne que les démons.
Je ne regrette rien, j’assume toutes mes démarches et je ne reviendrais plus jamais en arrière.
Healing spell
Lilith has performed quite a few spells for me this year and is changing my life, so I feel I’ve built up a good relationship of trust and friendship with her. I have so much admiration and respect for her.
I asked her for help with a problem my 10 year old son has with food and she recommended the healing spell for him. I’d like to point out he wasn’t ill in any way, but was an extremely fussy eater and refused to try anything new, and this has been going on for years. As his mother, it was not only frustrating to see him like this, but I didn’t know what to do for the best. I was worried about his health but obviously can’t force him to eat a varied diet so I was just hoping he would eventually snap out of it.
As he has got older it started to make him anxious and affect his life in social settings at school and friends houses, as he didn’t know if there would be anything he’d be willing to eat in these places.
It’s only been 4 weeks but he is already a lot more relaxed about things and doesn’t have a panic when it comes to new or different foods. It’s like a weight has been lifted from him so I know he’s going in the right direction. He even wants to go on a week long school trip now because he isn’t worried about the food there anymore, he was refusing to go prior to Lilith’s help.
This spell has also helped him in other ways too, he’s sailing through school with confidence at the moment, passing exams with great marks, he’s become a prefect and has started new hobbies which he hasn’t been bothered about before. It’s like he has a new lease of life which is giving him confidence and inner belief. For me, this is all incredible to watch after years of worrying about him.
I imagine some people may find it a bit controversial putting a spell on my child, but I want the best for him and want him to have the confidence to shine in life, with nothing holding him back.
Lilith is wonderful and has incredible powers. I trust her 100%. I certainly wouldn’t trust anyone else to perform a spell on my child, she is my one and only! 🔥
I’m one week shy of having the 90 day demonic possession end on 2 targets of mine.
One target is not in contact at all so I don’t know how bad he has it but I trust he is miserable and will continue to be miserable.
The other contact who I am in contact whose life I wish to add chaos to because how broken my heart is from her and her family brought about the following…
Covid on her son’s birthday not allowing her to do anything for him.
2 car accidents both being her fault with one of them being very confrontational
missing her court appearance
her lawyer not being able to get the items and information she needs to possibly have the case dismissed
her car broke down and when she popped the hood she burned her hand terribly
severe insomnia
gained massive amount of weight (she was a uk size 8 at the start and went to a uk size 18)
Maybe there is more in her chaos in her life that I just don’t know but I want no peace for them until they make their wrongs to me right
Is it possible to adore someone you have never met? Indeed it is! That is how I feel about Lila. She has turned my life around through her powerful spells. I recently ordered two spells and the Tulum Vortex ritual.
The demonic possession spell has me salivating at what will happen to my target next. While I do not have contact with my target, I do follow my target on social media and have seen the spell take effect from a distance. My target has recently been following different self-help, healing circle, spiritual pages which would have been unheard of before Lila’s spell. I have pretty much memorized Lila’s description of what results the spell will bring and I have been savoring watching my target suffer. I will most definitely be ordering this one again and again every 90 days. This target deserves it all. That’s all I can say. And I love that Lila does not judge at all.
The second spell was the debt release ritual. I was left speechless at how quickly it worked. I have been trying to get out of debt that has followed me for years. Not because I have been irresponsible but I have had many unfortunate events happen that made me accumulate a lot of debt. Within days of having the spell cast, I received a notice from the source with the highest debt (student loans) that they will be forgiven. I didn’t think it was possible for me, but it is happening.
The last ritual was the Tulum vortex. I know that it will manifest and beautiful things will come as a result of it. Lila sent me the picture and it took my breath away. I learned so much about vortices and how powerful they are. Simply incredible.
I give my unending gratitude and respect to Lila and the beautiful demons who make it all possible.
LilithCult always , always delivers pure, powerful magickal results that are amazing. I have had many rituals done for me in various aspects of my life. They are all a huge success. There is one, in particular, the Court Case Ritual, which recently completely astonished me. I was at the limits of my tolerance for this one person who was horrible and heartless to us in every way possible. I had the Bend Over and Court Case ritual done for that person and their team and they simply gave up! This was mind blowing!
The Court Case ritual gave my family something better than I had originally requested. When I heard the good news, I cried from gratitude, joy and relief as the case would have a huge impact on my child. My heart is glowing bright from the sheer awe, gratitude and wonder of it all. My gratitude to LilithCult, Lucifer, Lilith and all the mighty and misunderstood Demons 🙏 Thank You Thank You and Thank You 🙏
Today I’m being reminded of how fortunate I have encountered Lilith and her craft. My first spell has saved me from a potentially dire situation, and my second spell (as recently as it was) has already started manifesting slightly in an unexpected way. So yeah, many thanks to Lilith and the demons.
It is with much respect and gratitude that I made a generous offering to Queen Lila for all she and Lila have made possible in my life. It is even more special to make this offering during Samhain. How can I put into words the feelings of gratitude, enthusiasm, courage, and comfort that I feel for all that Lila has made possible through her connection with Lilith and other demons? Words will never be enough to express my gratitude but I can try and this is one way to show it. 🖤🧡🖤🧡
i am so grateful to have Lila as my spellcaster, she is amazing at what she does.
Ive had a few different spells done by her and shes always amazing at her craft.
I plan to purchase more from her and also some spells for my friends too.
Hey Lilith fam!
I ordered 4 spells at first: protection, magnetism, wealth and weight spell.
All 4 casted in Monday 16/10. I felt a sudden relief and I lost 2kgs already without doing a diet, sleeping peacefully, feeling a weird energy to walk or exercise. In one of my interviews I felt the magnetism spell and they called me for a second.
I desperately needed the protection because I was constantly being attacked, hexed.
I am so happy to feel safe. I didn’t know if it is possible to relief you know… I am so glad I found Lilith.
I was so near to suicide and I even tried it 6 times before I found her. Now I have hope again. I thought I was always going to be sad and left out from life so finding Lilith is something amazing for me. It is like I finally seen by god, like my sufferings are going to end.
Don’t hesitate. She knows what she’s doing.
I have 4 more orders and I will write a review again to share how amazing everything is.
Hail Lilith!
I love Lila because she is special.
This is about the 15th spell I have ordered. I first found Lila when I was having a difficult time with someone I was in a relationship with. It was messy. All the spells I ordered did in fact manifest and brought amazing results. One of the problems in my relationship was a third party who betrayed my trust and made a point of humiliating me on social media. I tried my hardest to ignore this person’s actions until I no longer could.
I ordered a few spells for this target with the most recent one being the Demonic Possession Hex Spell. I received the email from Lila that it had been complete. The image was beautiful and I already started to feel a shift even before Lila sent me the confirmation. I had been feeling tense and after an in person encounter with my target. I had so much resentment and a need for justice since then. I had been trying my hardest to not overthink things. The night that Lila completed the spell, my body relaxed and I had the best sleep in weeks. I don’t have to even check in on that person to know that their nightmare has started. Lila has always come through and I have learned to embrace the process and letting it unfold the way the demons have decided it should. Now, I just sit back and enjoy the show.
Lila’s work is pure luxury. Looking at her pictures, I can see that she places so much emphasis on the details. Her spells don’t look rushed. I truly feel that at the moment she is doing the spell, that my intention is first and foremost. I think a lot about the demons she is connecting with and how I can best show my respect to them. I see demons in a different way now. I am extremely mindful of showing them through my actions that I am grateful for what they are making possible for me. I think of Lila and how she has changed my perception of living a complete life of self-determination and not just sitting there and suffer feeling life is unfair.
It’s a little hard for me to express in a clear way this internal shift that has taken place. All I know is that it feels right. 😊
This is for the Dream of Me spell ❤️
My target never dreams or remembers them but let me know he had a very intimate dream of me a few weeks after casting. I just smiled to myself and thought of Lila and Lilith breaking through to his stubborn head! ❤️🔥🔥 thank you so much and I look forward to more beautiful stories to unfold ☺️
Im catching up on my reviews of spells I have ordered from Lila. Etsy used to send me reminders, and I just figured out that I can leave reviews here through the testimonials link.
I have ordered 2 curse tablets from Lila for the same target, and I have been taking such pleasure in seeing the results. I will say that the tablets do bring about faster results – like Lila says in her description. Even if they didn’t, it’s soooooo worth the wait!!
My target is someone who is very vain, likes to brag, and also taunts me on social media. The old me would have “turned the other cheek” but felt miserable and feeling life was unjust. The new me is able to get back at my target in the way they deserve. My target has been knocked down a few notches from their pedestal. One curse tablet was sufficient by itself, but my target really deserved what they got with both intentions. Their vanity and feeling of superiority has been damaged for good.
Lila never once has judged me or made me feel bad for asking for what I want. I’m not a bad person and actually do a lot of good for others. The spells I have ordered have been for situations that require the person not getting away with their misdeeds. What I appreciate best about Lila is that she let’s us decide where and when offense should be taken.
Thank you Lila for sharing your craft with us. My mood and spirit have bounced back. I no longer feel helpless. Thank you to the beautiful demons who have brought my intentions to fruition.
“Dream of Me”
This review is for the people out there that are slightly impatient- our amazing QUEEN Lila did the ritual on the 12th of October and by the 14th of October, my divination specialist told me that my POI was having dreams of me- some of it was sexual but some of it was mixed with sweet things that we had talked about doing together but didn’t get a chance to yet. He proceeded to think about me a lot during the day— many many thanks to my amazing Lila and the beautiful and perfect goddess Lilith herself. This ritual is freaking amazing, I can tell why it’s Lila’s favorite.
In the course of one year, after finding Lila, my life has changed in a way I could never have imagined. I thought living a life of suffering and obedience to archaic social structures was the only way to live. Now, I know better – all because of Lila and her opening my eyes to the beauty and strength of demonic magic. I feel the demons protecting me and Lila has helped guide me towards a life of confidence, no fear, and feeling that I deserve to have the life I have always wanted. Lila has helped me navigate through some of the most difficult moments in recent years. I feel the presence of Lilith with me always. Please trust Lila and know that she has a strong connection to the beautiful demons that make all things real. I also recommend reading her FAQs. They are filled with information. Il my deepest respect to Lila and the most amazing demons who have made the impossible possible. ❤️❤️
I had Lilith do the curse ritual on a second target. The first target had sexually manipulated me and ruined my life. He’s now lost his platform and all of his friends and community. The recent target was disrespectful, misogynistic, and spread false rumors about me— also destroying my life. He was recently involved in a horrific car accident ( too bad he didn’t perish boo hoo) but he’s no confined to a wheelchair and I think it’s soo lovely. I’m sure there’s more to come and I can’t wait. I will be back for a couple more people. I feel better. I don’t care about anything else. I hope that POS is enjoying the life he has to live from now on.
Lilith’s number one priority was to get me the justice I had asked her to help me with, and to make sure I was satisfied and happy. She really puts the work in and enjoys her craft. I respect her so much for that. Thank you a bunch. I feel so good right now
I purchased the Extreme Beauty Spell and the Magnetism spell from Lilith a few months ago. I’m a naturally shy person and someone who doesn’t like being in the spotlight so I felt it was time to do something about this and give myself a confidence boost.
Over the last couple of months I’ve noticed a big change in myself. My skin is clearer and sometimes when I look in the mirror I think my eyes have more sparkle about them. I have the confidence to wear nicer, more feminine things that I wouldn’t have normally worn. I’ve also become more outgoing and can now confidently walk into a room full of people without wanting to hide.
People I know and total strangers have definitely been making more eye contact with me, at first I felt a little uncomfortable about this change, but as time went on I got used to it and now it’s just a normal part of my life! It makes me smile to myself at the time as I’m aware why this is happening :) When I’m talking to people I have a lot more confidence to speak up and say what I’m thinking, especially at work.
Lilith has also performed some love spells for me, these are still a work in progress and more work needs to be done but there has definitely been some movement from my target and I know for a fact that wouldn’t have happened without Lilith. He is just extremely stubborn.
For anyone reading this who is unsure, just have faith and trust her. Try to think of it as passing on your problem for her to fix, so you can let go and forget about it. She knows what she is doing and will help you change your life. The hardest part is letting go and there have been times when anxiety has got the better of me with the love spells, but Lilith was there with some great advice to keep me in check. She is a woman of few words but her emails exude calmness and make you feel reassured instantly, and it goes without saying her work speaks for itself.
Lilith and all the demons who have helped me, thank you for everything so far, I feel so privileged to have found you. I’m sure we will be speaking again very soon 🔥
I’ve had a few rituals from Lilith and never been disappointed
The last was a curse removal for my whole family,we felt the power that day but I can honestly say any blockages were removed,doors opened for us and work went from a few clients to booked up for months!
Have no doubts Lilith is an expert in what she does,trust her and the process it definitely works ❤️
I am commenting on my updated progress.
I have since added 2 more rituals, I wish I could say everything is going great but the truth is I have continued to push my target as my impatience has been my down fall. Learning to sit back and allow the work to unfold. I have great faith in Lilith and her work, hoping that I can also purchase the ritual to Amon. Before I do I’m going to work on relaxing and not chasing my fiancée that has asked for separation. If you are reading this, when you order a spell or ritual with Lilith I remind you. Do not try to take control, allow the work to unfold. She is here to help work with the spirits and demons on your behalf. Your job is to sit back and enjoy the work. Thank you Lilith for the help, can’t wait to do more rituals with you. “So it is done”
I am leaving another review, I unfortunately did exactly what we aren’t meant to do after the spell. Lilith was so kind and understanding, pointing me in the right direction to fix my own mistakes and get back on the right path. Although I have not seen progress so far, I have full belief that I am on the right track again as it has only been 4 weeks.
I will be ordering the come back to me spell to work the magic along side my stubborn target spell.
Prior to me doing exactly what we shouldn’t my previous spells were working fantastic unfortunately I ruined that myself but am incredibly grateful that Lilith has redirected me and I have an opportunity to have the outcome I desire.
Patience, gratitude and trust in the process is fundamental, this just took some time for me to understand.
Thank you 🙂
Llevo trabajando con Lila hace alrededor de 4 meses para diferentes situaciones. Hice un cambio drástico de carrera y ella me hizo el Business Spell, en poco tiempo se abrió una gran oportunidad que llegó random sin yo buscarla y para la cual no estaba completamente calificada. Confíen en el proceso, que todo llega en el momento indicado.
I have been working with Lila for 4 months with different situations in my life. One of them in the profesional area (business) ; she did the business spell for me and in a short time I got a random opportunity in a big and well stablished company. I don’t have the experience, nor licenses, nor contacts for that company to have called me having said that: Trust the process, everything comes at the right time.
My biggest regret is not finding Lilith cult earlier… I wasted so much money on fakes and scammers out there while this beautiful, amazing, wonderful witch was here all along 🤦🏽♀️
« Oh, si tu savais vraiment ce que les démons te réservent, tu descendrais maintenant et danserais nu sur la plage »
Je commence mon premier témoignage, ce 25 Août 2023, avec cette belle phrase de Lilith Argelich sur Etsy, à l’époque. Je suis un français, baptisé catholique, j’ai tenté de trouver un sens à ma vie ainsi que des réponses à mes questions. Je suis même allé faire un pèlerinage à Lourdes en France pas loin de chez moi, lieu mondialement connu pour les catholiques, pour tenter d’obtenir des réponses : au final, je n’ai rien trouvé.
Le destin m’a amené vers Lilith Argelich, après un refus sentimental, comme si ce destin voulait me dire « Je te propose une opportunité unique pour toi, saisis-la ». Étant un peu apeuré au départ par rapport aux démons et à la sorcellerie, je suis rassuré sur le fait que Lila garantit qu’aucun karma ou retour de flammes ne se produit avec elle (les nombreux témoignages laissés par les autres clients me rassurent aussi sur la fiabilité de la praticienne).
En avril 2023, pour la pleine lune, je prends un sort de rupture pour un ennemi qui sert de cobaye (oui, le terme est bien choisi). La photo du rituel est puissante, en plus d’être très belle.
Résultat : un mois plus tard, séparation confirmée par les photos facebook. A partir de là, j’ai compris les possibilités qui se présentent devant moi. Tout en apprenant à travers les descriptions, FAQ, articles et compte instagram de Lila, je me sens à l’aise: je ne sais pas pratiquer et mon environnement m’en empêcherait, mais je planifie des commandes pour mon avenir sur tous les domaines (et ainsi trouver les réponses à mes questions que le catholicisme ne me semble pas vouloir me donner).
Je commande un nouveau sort de rupture, en Mai 2023, concernant ma cible après ce refus sentimental dit précédemment : 1 mois et demi après, je pars du principe que la rupture a été faite (vu qu’elle a supprimée un ami facebook et que ses projets semblent avoir changés depuis). J’ai commandé le sort où la cible rêve de moi toutes les nuits en attendant les autres étapes prévues la concernant.
Fait amusant : à partir de la 4e semaine, des violents orages se sont déroulés inhabituellement dans mon secteur. Je me suis amusé à les interpréter comme la reine Lilith faisant son travail, imaginant les disputes au sein du couple de ma cible.
J’en profite pour m’améliorer et devenir la meilleure version de moi-même, comme la motivation, l’intelligence, un pacte démoniaque pour l’argent et une guérison de blessures émotionnelles que Lila m’a recommandée, le jour où j’ai « craqué » en lui expliquant en détails, ma situation personnelle. C’est trop tôt pour des résultats mais j’y crois profondément. D’autres étapes d’amélioration sont prévues.
Je n’oublie pas mes ennemis qui paieront très cher pour tout ce qu’ils m’ont faits, à l’avenir.
Je réfléchis à l’idée de devenir un luciférien et passer un pacte avec Lucifer dans le futur, mais c’est encore trop tôt, bien que mon cœur en brûle d’envie : je me fixe des étapes à franchir en attendant et pour éviter de prendre des décisions sous le coup de l’impulsivité.
La praticienne parle peu mais elle est très professionnelle, adorable et toujours avec de sages conseils. Le maître-mot est la patience pour les résultats souhaités après les rituels (je compte toujours en moyenne à partir de 2-3 mois par défaut) que pour les réponses aux questions (Lila répond dès qu’elle le peut). Elle est très demandée mais elle fait tout son possible pour chacun d’entre nous.
Soyez respectueux, courtois et patient aussi bien avec Lila qu’avec les démons: n’oubliez pas votre part du travail après chaque rituel (et de remercier via les offrandes ou pourboires si vous le voulez). Je suis si heureux de connaître Lilith Argelich, je ne saurais la remercier jamais assez ainsi que les démons pour leurs honneurs, et de pouvoir prendre le contrôle de ma destinée : c’est un privilège mais aussi un honneur.
Hail Lilith Argelich, Hail Lilith et Lucifer, Hail à tous les démons.
I cannot praise Lila enough. I have had several rituals and all have helped change my life for the better. Most recently I purchased the professional abundance spell, and within just a few weeks my business has taken off and I have had opportunities come to me seemingly out of nowhere. Magic is real, and the demons can help you beyond your wildest dreams. Trust, be patient, and pay attention. Remember that the demons are infinitely wise and know what we need before we do. This means your results may come in ways you don’t expect. Be ready to take opportunities you hadn’t considered. Keep an open mind, and listen closely to your environment and the people in your life. Sometimes others will notice changes before you do, and sometimes the demons speak to us through other people. If you’re ready to live your best life, look no further. Hail Lilith, Lucifer and the demons!
Had just ordered the Dream of Me spell and requested that I also share some of the dreams of my target. The evening of Lilith sending me a message letting me know it was done, I had a passionate dream of my target. First time I’ve dreamt about her in a long time and probably never like that before. I trust she had the same dream. Cannot wait for more amazing moments in the dreamscape. Ave Lilith.
12 spells for myself and counting… not to mention the ones for my enemies. Enough said ;)
12 spells and counting… enough said ;)
Like so many others I wish I had found a Lilith sooner. I have been working with her for a little over a year and am improving in areas of life I needed to change. I am still working towards my biggest goal (❤️) but I am doing well in my career and moved to a beautiful place that I am proud of and enjoy having friends over. Even my tastes in furnishings have changed (think black marble and red roses). I used to be more disorganized at home and now love everything clean and tidy. I’m still working on my self-esteem but I know with more positive changes I will get there. This is just a thank you to Lilith (Lila), Lucifer, Lilith, and so many other demons working on my behalf. My sincerest thanks and gratitude 🖤🔥🌹
I purchased the revenge curse spell from LilithCult. The target I had it casted on is completely destroyed. He lost his friends, community, job, and so much more. I take absolute pleasure in seeing him crash and burn. This person RUINED my life and took everything from me. So it’s justified seeing him go through what he made me go through. I’ll definitely be back as my revenge isn’t complete. But LilithCult did not judge me— she was very professional and allowed me to have the justice i so desperately needed and wanted. Thank you lilith !!
My deepest regret is finding Lilith Cult so late in my journey… After working with alot of spellcasters, there is a different kind of feeling with Lilith. Her confidence, her succinct but strong support is much appreciated. I have ordered till date, 6 spells from her and I don’t plan on stopping. Alot of injustice has happened to me and I needed someone strong by my side to help me get back on track and succeed- Lilith is this person. I love her, I feel very confident working with her, and I just feel happier and more hopeful! It is still very early on, will update with results that I KNOW will follow soon.
Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh.
Cambié de trabajo y todo parecía estar estancado, ordené el Road Opener y esa misma semana comenzaron a llegarme clientes y en una semana he tenido 3 reconocimientos en el trabajo. Si sientes que necesitas un push, no lo pienses más y abre tus caminos. Gracias Lila por ser el contacto con los demons.
If you need to open your path, order the Road Opener; you’ll see a change from the first day Lila does the work.
Since I met her, my life has been changed, and the unresolved issues have been resolved. In the past few days, I have bought three more, and now I only trust her.
I’m interested in services. Awful lot of testimonials here. Don’t want scammers. I just want my ex back. That’s it and that’s all. Reading reviews. Don’t know which one to use.
Today I offered my gratitude to Lilith and all the demons who are helping me <3 It is amazing to see the spells begin to work and see progress in my life <3
About two months ago I ordered a spell to have one of my ex friends re enter my life. They blocked me and cut off all contract just over a year ago. Today they just unblocked me and followed me on Instagram. There’s no way this is just a coincidence, I can’t believe I ever had even the slightest doubt in Lilith’s power. You’re an incredible person Lila. If you let go and let the magic just do its thing It seems results are only a matter of time.
I could not end the year without a expressing my gratitude to Lila and making an offering to Lilith and the beautiful demons that make all things possible. I think back to where I was one year ago. Crossing paths with Lila is the best thing that has happened to me as an adult. I still have much work to do, but Lila has helped set me on the path that I know will give me the life I want and deserve.
Lila and her work is a symbol of privilege in my life. The luxuries I decided to give myself are Lila’s spells. This whole past year, I set a plan in motion to bring me peace and justice from the actions of others who hurt me deeply. This year, I am focusing on myself and continuing to create a future that I have always wanted and NOW realize I deserve.
Lila is one of a kind. Her work goes beyond her spells – which are beautiful and a work of art by themselves. She invites us to learn and experience life in a different way through her blog and her posts from her travels. She offers us an alternative perspective that is free of institutional restrictions. Lila has liberated me. Lila has given me the life that I always wanted and didn’t know I deserved.
For this and so many other reasons, I make my offering of gratitude and respect. Thank you Lila. You are a treasure. ❤️💎
Word’s will never be enough to describe my gratitude and respect…
Thank you
I am so filled with excitement. I have ordered 4 life changers (spells). She finished the first today. I am filled with confidence and believe she and the demons will make it successful. I just need to sit back and watch 2024 happen. I have more to order after the new year!
I needed to share an update on the results of the Debt Release Ritual. I just had a six figure debt forgiven. This would not have been possible otherwise. I’m speechless. This is not a debt that was even remotely possible of going away, but I know that it is Lila’s magic that made this possible. I’m drunk with gratitude and appreciation to Lila and the powerful demon Bune. With much respect, I will make an offering to the gratitude jar. Thank you my dear Lila!!! 🖤
I had Lilith perform two rituals for me- come back to me and dream of me- the target and I have spoken recently for the first time in months and we are back on track! I am so thankful and excited to see this movement and it honestly happened amazingly fast just like Lilith says! He was so much more expressive and told me how much he missed me! I am looking forward to doing more work with Lilith and watching my beautiful love story unfold. If your thinking of purchasing why wait? Lilith will change your life. Thank you Lilith! Hail Lilith! <3
« Il écoute, il est bon, il attend et il fournit ».
Je reviens dans la section des témoignages pour faire part d’une mise à jour, suite au précédent laissé le 25 Août 2023. Nous sommes le 1er Décembre 2023 et j’avais commandés plusieurs sorts me concernant directement : la motivation, l’intelligence, la guérison émotionnelle et la richesse.
Entre-temps, j’avais réservé pour Samhain 2023 avec un sort prévu, mais je le garde pour moi : je dirais juste qu’il est la fin de la phase 1 et que le 31 Octobre 2024 sera la fin de la phase 2 et ainsi de suite….
Dans la situation où j’ai sollicité les honneurs du premier démon, à travers la toute première commande en Avril 2023, c’est avec la reine Lilith lorsque j’ai effectué le premier sort qui était celui de la rupture, concernant un ennemi que je considérais comme un « cobaye » (ou « sujet de test », si vous préférez, peu importe), suivi d’un autre sort de rupture et du sort « Rêve de moi », tous deux pour une femme qui me plaisait mais qui était partie avec son ex avant et dont je n’avais pas accepté cela.
Jusque là, je n’ai pas réussi à la revoir (elle est toujours dans le secteur, à une trentaine de minutes de route) mais j’ai pu constater qu’elle a « ouvert » son facebook le jour du 31 Octobre alors que c’était complètement fermé, niveau galerie photos par exemple. Est-ce un signe ? Quelque soit le résultat, ce sera uniquement moi le responsable.
Mais dans la mesure où je parle du premier démon à qui j’ai sollicité les honneurs pour mon propre cas, c’est Paimon.
Très rapidement, j’ai été comme « attiré » vers le sort de motivation et tout, dans sa description m’attirait : son image d’illustration, sa description, absolument tout. Une fois le rituel effectué, deux semaines après, j’ai eu le courage d’aller seul, dans un endroit bien particulier à deux reprises, de vaincre la peur que je pouvais avoir en y entrant, de casser tous les clichés et de pouvoir en ressortir grandi.
Le sort me permet aussi de ne plus avoir des phases de procrastinations et de sentir comme des coups de boosts pour ainsi faire ce qui doit être fait, même dans mon entourage, on le constate alors que ce n’était pas le cas avant.
Il me permet aussi de prévoir sur le long terme avec pour objectif une amélioration générale et de gagner en élégance : il faut savoir que les autres sorts au tout début de ce témoignage ont été effectués le mois suivant celle de la motivation, ce qui rajoute aussi à tout cela.
J’ai décidé de faire une offrande à travers Lila pour Paimon car ses honneurs sont tout simplement ma colonne vertébrale (oui, littéralement) : je préfère ne pas imaginer ce que je serais devenu maintenant si je n’avais pas découvert Lilith Argelich, notre adorable sorcière, ainsi que le sort de motivation. Je me sens tellement honoré de ce résultat que chaque sort effectué, ainsi que ceux qui seront prévus à l’avenir, sont comme un pas fait en avant vers le royaume démoniaque.
L’offrande qui est faite concerne Paimon, mais je prévois aussi pour plus tard, des offrandes pour les autres démons dont j’ai demandé leurs aides: je refuse de les dénigrer, que ce soit Seere pour l’intelligence, Marbas et la reine Lilith pour la guérison émotionnelle et le démon avec qui je suis lié par le pacte démoniaque pour l’argent (je garde volontairement son nom pour moi).
Et pour toutes les personnes qui veulent honorer, il y a aussi un autre moyen et c’est notre adorable sorcière, Lila, qui en parle le mieux sur Instagram :
« Soyez l’offrande. Si vous êtes heureux, confiant et féroce, vous les rendrez fiers. Montrez votre valeur. Profitez de votre vie et soyez reconnaissant pour chaque changement positif. Montrez-leur que leurs efforts ne seront pas vains. »
J’ai encore tellement de choses à dire mais ce serait trop long. Je tenais vraiment à laisser un témoignage fait avec le cœur, principalement sur Paimon. Je tiens à remercier chaque client ayant laissé le sien depuis ce site : c’est toujours un plaisir de les lire. Je sais que j’y reviendrais à l’avenir pour apporter de nouveau, ma contribution à la réputation fiable et professionnelle de Lilith Argelich.
La patience et la gratitude sont les deux plus grandes forces que chacun d’entre nous, pouvons exprimer pour honorer aussi bien notre adorable luciférienne que les démons.
Je ne regrette rien, j’assume toutes mes démarches et je ne reviendrais plus jamais en arrière.
Healing spell
Lilith has performed quite a few spells for me this year and is changing my life, so I feel I’ve built up a good relationship of trust and friendship with her. I have so much admiration and respect for her.
I asked her for help with a problem my 10 year old son has with food and she recommended the healing spell for him. I’d like to point out he wasn’t ill in any way, but was an extremely fussy eater and refused to try anything new, and this has been going on for years. As his mother, it was not only frustrating to see him like this, but I didn’t know what to do for the best. I was worried about his health but obviously can’t force him to eat a varied diet so I was just hoping he would eventually snap out of it.
As he has got older it started to make him anxious and affect his life in social settings at school and friends houses, as he didn’t know if there would be anything he’d be willing to eat in these places.
It’s only been 4 weeks but he is already a lot more relaxed about things and doesn’t have a panic when it comes to new or different foods. It’s like a weight has been lifted from him so I know he’s going in the right direction. He even wants to go on a week long school trip now because he isn’t worried about the food there anymore, he was refusing to go prior to Lilith’s help.
This spell has also helped him in other ways too, he’s sailing through school with confidence at the moment, passing exams with great marks, he’s become a prefect and has started new hobbies which he hasn’t been bothered about before. It’s like he has a new lease of life which is giving him confidence and inner belief. For me, this is all incredible to watch after years of worrying about him.
I imagine some people may find it a bit controversial putting a spell on my child, but I want the best for him and want him to have the confidence to shine in life, with nothing holding him back.
Lilith is wonderful and has incredible powers. I trust her 100%. I certainly wouldn’t trust anyone else to perform a spell on my child, she is my one and only! 🔥
I’m one week shy of having the 90 day demonic possession end on 2 targets of mine.
One target is not in contact at all so I don’t know how bad he has it but I trust he is miserable and will continue to be miserable.
The other contact who I am in contact whose life I wish to add chaos to because how broken my heart is from her and her family brought about the following…
Covid on her son’s birthday not allowing her to do anything for him. 2 car accidents both being her fault with one of them being very confrontational missing her court appearance her lawyer not being able to get the items and information she needs to possibly have the case dismissed her car broke down and when she popped the hood she burned her hand terribly severe insomnia gained massive amount of weight (she was a uk size 8 at the start and went to a uk size 18)Maybe there is more in her chaos in her life that I just don’t know but I want no peace for them until they make their wrongs to me right
Is it possible to adore someone you have never met? Indeed it is! That is how I feel about Lila. She has turned my life around through her powerful spells. I recently ordered two spells and the Tulum Vortex ritual.
The demonic possession spell has me salivating at what will happen to my target next. While I do not have contact with my target, I do follow my target on social media and have seen the spell take effect from a distance. My target has recently been following different self-help, healing circle, spiritual pages which would have been unheard of before Lila’s spell. I have pretty much memorized Lila’s description of what results the spell will bring and I have been savoring watching my target suffer. I will most definitely be ordering this one again and again every 90 days. This target deserves it all. That’s all I can say. And I love that Lila does not judge at all.
The second spell was the debt release ritual. I was left speechless at how quickly it worked. I have been trying to get out of debt that has followed me for years. Not because I have been irresponsible but I have had many unfortunate events happen that made me accumulate a lot of debt. Within days of having the spell cast, I received a notice from the source with the highest debt (student loans) that they will be forgiven. I didn’t think it was possible for me, but it is happening.
The last ritual was the Tulum vortex. I know that it will manifest and beautiful things will come as a result of it. Lila sent me the picture and it took my breath away. I learned so much about vortices and how powerful they are. Simply incredible.
I give my unending gratitude and respect to Lila and the beautiful demons who make it all possible.
LilithCult always , always delivers pure, powerful magickal results that are amazing. I have had many rituals done for me in various aspects of my life. They are all a huge success. There is one, in particular, the Court Case Ritual, which recently completely astonished me. I was at the limits of my tolerance for this one person who was horrible and heartless to us in every way possible. I had the Bend Over and Court Case ritual done for that person and their team and they simply gave up! This was mind blowing!
The Court Case ritual gave my family something better than I had originally requested. When I heard the good news, I cried from gratitude, joy and relief as the case would have a huge impact on my child. My heart is glowing bright from the sheer awe, gratitude and wonder of it all. My gratitude to LilithCult, Lucifer, Lilith and all the mighty and misunderstood Demons 🙏 Thank You Thank You and Thank You 🙏
Today I’m being reminded of how fortunate I have encountered Lilith and her craft. My first spell has saved me from a potentially dire situation, and my second spell (as recently as it was) has already started manifesting slightly in an unexpected way. So yeah, many thanks to Lilith and the demons.
It is with much respect and gratitude that I made a generous offering to Queen Lila for all she and Lila have made possible in my life. It is even more special to make this offering during Samhain. How can I put into words the feelings of gratitude, enthusiasm, courage, and comfort that I feel for all that Lila has made possible through her connection with Lilith and other demons? Words will never be enough to express my gratitude but I can try and this is one way to show it. 🖤🧡🖤🧡
i am so grateful to have Lila as my spellcaster, she is amazing at what she does.
Ive had a few different spells done by her and shes always amazing at her craft.
I plan to purchase more from her and also some spells for my friends too.
Hey Lilith fam!
I ordered 4 spells at first: protection, magnetism, wealth and weight spell.
All 4 casted in Monday 16/10. I felt a sudden relief and I lost 2kgs already without doing a diet, sleeping peacefully, feeling a weird energy to walk or exercise. In one of my interviews I felt the magnetism spell and they called me for a second.
I desperately needed the protection because I was constantly being attacked, hexed.
I am so happy to feel safe. I didn’t know if it is possible to relief you know… I am so glad I found Lilith.
I was so near to suicide and I even tried it 6 times before I found her. Now I have hope again. I thought I was always going to be sad and left out from life so finding Lilith is something amazing for me. It is like I finally seen by god, like my sufferings are going to end.
Don’t hesitate. She knows what she’s doing.
I have 4 more orders and I will write a review again to share how amazing everything is.
Hail Lilith!
I love Lila because she is special.
This is about the 15th spell I have ordered. I first found Lila when I was having a difficult time with someone I was in a relationship with. It was messy. All the spells I ordered did in fact manifest and brought amazing results. One of the problems in my relationship was a third party who betrayed my trust and made a point of humiliating me on social media. I tried my hardest to ignore this person’s actions until I no longer could.
I ordered a few spells for this target with the most recent one being the Demonic Possession Hex Spell. I received the email from Lila that it had been complete. The image was beautiful and I already started to feel a shift even before Lila sent me the confirmation. I had been feeling tense and after an in person encounter with my target. I had so much resentment and a need for justice since then. I had been trying my hardest to not overthink things. The night that Lila completed the spell, my body relaxed and I had the best sleep in weeks. I don’t have to even check in on that person to know that their nightmare has started. Lila has always come through and I have learned to embrace the process and letting it unfold the way the demons have decided it should. Now, I just sit back and enjoy the show.
Lila’s work is pure luxury. Looking at her pictures, I can see that she places so much emphasis on the details. Her spells don’t look rushed. I truly feel that at the moment she is doing the spell, that my intention is first and foremost. I think a lot about the demons she is connecting with and how I can best show my respect to them. I see demons in a different way now. I am extremely mindful of showing them through my actions that I am grateful for what they are making possible for me. I think of Lila and how she has changed my perception of living a complete life of self-determination and not just sitting there and suffer feeling life is unfair.
It’s a little hard for me to express in a clear way this internal shift that has taken place. All I know is that it feels right. 😊
This is for the Dream of Me spell ❤️
My target never dreams or remembers them but let me know he had a very intimate dream of me a few weeks after casting. I just smiled to myself and thought of Lila and Lilith breaking through to his stubborn head! ❤️🔥🔥 thank you so much and I look forward to more beautiful stories to unfold ☺️
Im catching up on my reviews of spells I have ordered from Lila. Etsy used to send me reminders, and I just figured out that I can leave reviews here through the testimonials link.
I have ordered 2 curse tablets from Lila for the same target, and I have been taking such pleasure in seeing the results. I will say that the tablets do bring about faster results – like Lila says in her description. Even if they didn’t, it’s soooooo worth the wait!!
My target is someone who is very vain, likes to brag, and also taunts me on social media. The old me would have “turned the other cheek” but felt miserable and feeling life was unjust. The new me is able to get back at my target in the way they deserve. My target has been knocked down a few notches from their pedestal. One curse tablet was sufficient by itself, but my target really deserved what they got with both intentions. Their vanity and feeling of superiority has been damaged for good.
Lila never once has judged me or made me feel bad for asking for what I want. I’m not a bad person and actually do a lot of good for others. The spells I have ordered have been for situations that require the person not getting away with their misdeeds. What I appreciate best about Lila is that she let’s us decide where and when offense should be taken.
Thank you Lila for sharing your craft with us. My mood and spirit have bounced back. I no longer feel helpless. Thank you to the beautiful demons who have brought my intentions to fruition.
“Dream of Me”
This review is for the people out there that are slightly impatient- our amazing QUEEN Lila did the ritual on the 12th of October and by the 14th of October, my divination specialist told me that my POI was having dreams of me- some of it was sexual but some of it was mixed with sweet things that we had talked about doing together but didn’t get a chance to yet. He proceeded to think about me a lot during the day— many many thanks to my amazing Lila and the beautiful and perfect goddess Lilith herself. This ritual is freaking amazing, I can tell why it’s Lila’s favorite.
In the course of one year, after finding Lila, my life has changed in a way I could never have imagined. I thought living a life of suffering and obedience to archaic social structures was the only way to live. Now, I know better – all because of Lila and her opening my eyes to the beauty and strength of demonic magic. I feel the demons protecting me and Lila has helped guide me towards a life of confidence, no fear, and feeling that I deserve to have the life I have always wanted. Lila has helped me navigate through some of the most difficult moments in recent years. I feel the presence of Lilith with me always. Please trust Lila and know that she has a strong connection to the beautiful demons that make all things real. I also recommend reading her FAQs. They are filled with information. Il my deepest respect to Lila and the most amazing demons who have made the impossible possible. ❤️❤️
I had Lilith do the curse ritual on a second target. The first target had sexually manipulated me and ruined my life. He’s now lost his platform and all of his friends and community. The recent target was disrespectful, misogynistic, and spread false rumors about me— also destroying my life. He was recently involved in a horrific car accident ( too bad he didn’t perish boo hoo) but he’s no confined to a wheelchair and I think it’s soo lovely. I’m sure there’s more to come and I can’t wait. I will be back for a couple more people. I feel better. I don’t care about anything else. I hope that POS is enjoying the life he has to live from now on.
Lilith’s number one priority was to get me the justice I had asked her to help me with, and to make sure I was satisfied and happy. She really puts the work in and enjoys her craft. I respect her so much for that. Thank you a bunch. I feel so good right now
I purchased the Extreme Beauty Spell and the Magnetism spell from Lilith a few months ago. I’m a naturally shy person and someone who doesn’t like being in the spotlight so I felt it was time to do something about this and give myself a confidence boost.
Over the last couple of months I’ve noticed a big change in myself. My skin is clearer and sometimes when I look in the mirror I think my eyes have more sparkle about them. I have the confidence to wear nicer, more feminine things that I wouldn’t have normally worn. I’ve also become more outgoing and can now confidently walk into a room full of people without wanting to hide.
People I know and total strangers have definitely been making more eye contact with me, at first I felt a little uncomfortable about this change, but as time went on I got used to it and now it’s just a normal part of my life! It makes me smile to myself at the time as I’m aware why this is happening :) When I’m talking to people I have a lot more confidence to speak up and say what I’m thinking, especially at work.
Lilith has also performed some love spells for me, these are still a work in progress and more work needs to be done but there has definitely been some movement from my target and I know for a fact that wouldn’t have happened without Lilith. He is just extremely stubborn.
For anyone reading this who is unsure, just have faith and trust her. Try to think of it as passing on your problem for her to fix, so you can let go and forget about it. She knows what she is doing and will help you change your life. The hardest part is letting go and there have been times when anxiety has got the better of me with the love spells, but Lilith was there with some great advice to keep me in check. She is a woman of few words but her emails exude calmness and make you feel reassured instantly, and it goes without saying her work speaks for itself.
Lilith and all the demons who have helped me, thank you for everything so far, I feel so privileged to have found you. I’m sure we will be speaking again very soon 🔥
I’ve had a few rituals from Lilith and never been disappointed
The last was a curse removal for my whole family,we felt the power that day but I can honestly say any blockages were removed,doors opened for us and work went from a few clients to booked up for months!
Have no doubts Lilith is an expert in what she does,trust her and the process it definitely works ❤️
I am commenting on my updated progress.
I have since added 2 more rituals, I wish I could say everything is going great but the truth is I have continued to push my target as my impatience has been my down fall. Learning to sit back and allow the work to unfold. I have great faith in Lilith and her work, hoping that I can also purchase the ritual to Amon. Before I do I’m going to work on relaxing and not chasing my fiancée that has asked for separation. If you are reading this, when you order a spell or ritual with Lilith I remind you. Do not try to take control, allow the work to unfold. She is here to help work with the spirits and demons on your behalf. Your job is to sit back and enjoy the work. Thank you Lilith for the help, can’t wait to do more rituals with you. “So it is done”
I am leaving another review, I unfortunately did exactly what we aren’t meant to do after the spell. Lilith was so kind and understanding, pointing me in the right direction to fix my own mistakes and get back on the right path. Although I have not seen progress so far, I have full belief that I am on the right track again as it has only been 4 weeks.
I will be ordering the come back to me spell to work the magic along side my stubborn target spell.
Prior to me doing exactly what we shouldn’t my previous spells were working fantastic unfortunately I ruined that myself but am incredibly grateful that Lilith has redirected me and I have an opportunity to have the outcome I desire.
Patience, gratitude and trust in the process is fundamental, this just took some time for me to understand.
Thank you 🙂
Llevo trabajando con Lila hace alrededor de 4 meses para diferentes situaciones. Hice un cambio drástico de carrera y ella me hizo el Business Spell, en poco tiempo se abrió una gran oportunidad que llegó random sin yo buscarla y para la cual no estaba completamente calificada. Confíen en el proceso, que todo llega en el momento indicado.
I have been working with Lila for 4 months with different situations in my life. One of them in the profesional area (business) ; she did the business spell for me and in a short time I got a random opportunity in a big and well stablished company. I don’t have the experience, nor licenses, nor contacts for that company to have called me having said that: Trust the process, everything comes at the right time.
My biggest regret is not finding Lilith cult earlier… I wasted so much money on fakes and scammers out there while this beautiful, amazing, wonderful witch was here all along 🤦🏽♀️
« Oh, si tu savais vraiment ce que les démons te réservent, tu descendrais maintenant et danserais nu sur la plage »
Je commence mon premier témoignage, ce 25 Août 2023, avec cette belle phrase de Lilith Argelich sur Etsy, à l’époque. Je suis un français, baptisé catholique, j’ai tenté de trouver un sens à ma vie ainsi que des réponses à mes questions. Je suis même allé faire un pèlerinage à Lourdes en France pas loin de chez moi, lieu mondialement connu pour les catholiques, pour tenter d’obtenir des réponses : au final, je n’ai rien trouvé.
Le destin m’a amené vers Lilith Argelich, après un refus sentimental, comme si ce destin voulait me dire « Je te propose une opportunité unique pour toi, saisis-la ». Étant un peu apeuré au départ par rapport aux démons et à la sorcellerie, je suis rassuré sur le fait que Lila garantit qu’aucun karma ou retour de flammes ne se produit avec elle (les nombreux témoignages laissés par les autres clients me rassurent aussi sur la fiabilité de la praticienne).
En avril 2023, pour la pleine lune, je prends un sort de rupture pour un ennemi qui sert de cobaye (oui, le terme est bien choisi). La photo du rituel est puissante, en plus d’être très belle.
Résultat : un mois plus tard, séparation confirmée par les photos facebook. A partir de là, j’ai compris les possibilités qui se présentent devant moi. Tout en apprenant à travers les descriptions, FAQ, articles et compte instagram de Lila, je me sens à l’aise: je ne sais pas pratiquer et mon environnement m’en empêcherait, mais je planifie des commandes pour mon avenir sur tous les domaines (et ainsi trouver les réponses à mes questions que le catholicisme ne me semble pas vouloir me donner).
Je commande un nouveau sort de rupture, en Mai 2023, concernant ma cible après ce refus sentimental dit précédemment : 1 mois et demi après, je pars du principe que la rupture a été faite (vu qu’elle a supprimée un ami facebook et que ses projets semblent avoir changés depuis). J’ai commandé le sort où la cible rêve de moi toutes les nuits en attendant les autres étapes prévues la concernant.
Fait amusant : à partir de la 4e semaine, des violents orages se sont déroulés inhabituellement dans mon secteur. Je me suis amusé à les interpréter comme la reine Lilith faisant son travail, imaginant les disputes au sein du couple de ma cible.
J’en profite pour m’améliorer et devenir la meilleure version de moi-même, comme la motivation, l’intelligence, un pacte démoniaque pour l’argent et une guérison de blessures émotionnelles que Lila m’a recommandée, le jour où j’ai « craqué » en lui expliquant en détails, ma situation personnelle. C’est trop tôt pour des résultats mais j’y crois profondément. D’autres étapes d’amélioration sont prévues.
Je n’oublie pas mes ennemis qui paieront très cher pour tout ce qu’ils m’ont faits, à l’avenir.
Je réfléchis à l’idée de devenir un luciférien et passer un pacte avec Lucifer dans le futur, mais c’est encore trop tôt, bien que mon cœur en brûle d’envie : je me fixe des étapes à franchir en attendant et pour éviter de prendre des décisions sous le coup de l’impulsivité.
La praticienne parle peu mais elle est très professionnelle, adorable et toujours avec de sages conseils. Le maître-mot est la patience pour les résultats souhaités après les rituels (je compte toujours en moyenne à partir de 2-3 mois par défaut) que pour les réponses aux questions (Lila répond dès qu’elle le peut). Elle est très demandée mais elle fait tout son possible pour chacun d’entre nous.
Soyez respectueux, courtois et patient aussi bien avec Lila qu’avec les démons: n’oubliez pas votre part du travail après chaque rituel (et de remercier via les offrandes ou pourboires si vous le voulez). Je suis si heureux de connaître Lilith Argelich, je ne saurais la remercier jamais assez ainsi que les démons pour leurs honneurs, et de pouvoir prendre le contrôle de ma destinée : c’est un privilège mais aussi un honneur.
Hail Lilith Argelich, Hail Lilith et Lucifer, Hail à tous les démons.
I cannot praise Lila enough. I have had several rituals and all have helped change my life for the better. Most recently I purchased the professional abundance spell, and within just a few weeks my business has taken off and I have had opportunities come to me seemingly out of nowhere. Magic is real, and the demons can help you beyond your wildest dreams. Trust, be patient, and pay attention. Remember that the demons are infinitely wise and know what we need before we do. This means your results may come in ways you don’t expect. Be ready to take opportunities you hadn’t considered. Keep an open mind, and listen closely to your environment and the people in your life. Sometimes others will notice changes before you do, and sometimes the demons speak to us through other people. If you’re ready to live your best life, look no further. Hail Lilith, Lucifer and the demons!
Had just ordered the Dream of Me spell and requested that I also share some of the dreams of my target. The evening of Lilith sending me a message letting me know it was done, I had a passionate dream of my target. First time I’ve dreamt about her in a long time and probably never like that before. I trust she had the same dream. Cannot wait for more amazing moments in the dreamscape. Ave Lilith.
12 spells for myself and counting… not to mention the ones for my enemies. Enough said ;)
12 spells and counting… enough said ;)
Like so many others I wish I had found a Lilith sooner. I have been working with her for a little over a year and am improving in areas of life I needed to change. I am still working towards my biggest goal (❤️) but I am doing well in my career and moved to a beautiful place that I am proud of and enjoy having friends over. Even my tastes in furnishings have changed (think black marble and red roses). I used to be more disorganized at home and now love everything clean and tidy. I’m still working on my self-esteem but I know with more positive changes I will get there. This is just a thank you to Lilith (Lila), Lucifer, Lilith, and so many other demons working on my behalf. My sincerest thanks and gratitude 🖤🔥🌹
I purchased the revenge curse spell from LilithCult. The target I had it casted on is completely destroyed. He lost his friends, community, job, and so much more. I take absolute pleasure in seeing him crash and burn. This person RUINED my life and took everything from me. So it’s justified seeing him go through what he made me go through. I’ll definitely be back as my revenge isn’t complete. But LilithCult did not judge me— she was very professional and allowed me to have the justice i so desperately needed and wanted. Thank you lilith !!
My deepest regret is finding Lilith Cult so late in my journey… After working with alot of spellcasters, there is a different kind of feeling with Lilith. Her confidence, her succinct but strong support is much appreciated. I have ordered till date, 6 spells from her and I don’t plan on stopping. Alot of injustice has happened to me and I needed someone strong by my side to help me get back on track and succeed- Lilith is this person. I love her, I feel very confident working with her, and I just feel happier and more hopeful! It is still very early on, will update with results that I KNOW will follow soon.