
It has been a while since I gave a testimonial, but Lila is ever present in my life. The many spells I ordered to focus on my professional life continue to bear such sweet fruits. I have been following Lila for some time now and know that it is her and her spells that have placed me in the position where I am now. I could not have gotten to this level without her. I have learned to trust her without any doubt at all and I patiently wait for the spells to manifest. I think I have also become more aware of when something good is happening because of her spell. I wish I could go into detail about my work and what I do, but discretion is part of my job. I will say my work makes me a public figure where I live. Competition is fierce and people won’t think twice to stab you in the back. Before, I was this scared mouse afraid to attract the attention of people for fear that they would do bad things to me. I was a people pleaser, trying to get people to like me and show them I was not a threat. I had many people take advantage of my “niceness” and used me to their advantage and then discarded me like a dirty towel. I would feel inferior and blame myself and thought that if I tried harder or gave more that things would change. Enter Lila —— and now I am a lion ready to eat my prey and take my place at the top of the professional “food” chain. I am not arrogant, but I am confident. I am not a bully, but I will not back down. I am not not boastful, but I am strategic. I have become the person on the outside that was always scared to come out from the inside. I used to have headaches and insomnia thinking about my professional life. Now, I feel calm and safe because I know the demons Lila has connected with on my behalf are protecting me. I can’t explain it in words, it is something I feel. I feel an immense gratitude and desire to show my devotion to these beautiful demons. And for Lila, I zealously read over her spells and Instagram posts like poetry. I think I have all her spells memorized. To say life has been good is an understatement. I am living the life I always wanted but thought I didn’t deserve.

I took several months and spells to focus on my enemies and they have all fallen or will fall further because they deserve it. Then I took some months and ordered spells to work on me. And I now, I will continue to work on me on strengthening my mind, my allure, and my beauty. The next rounds of spells will be delicious!! Love you so much Lila!!! Sending my unending respect and admiration for you always. 😘😘😘


Wow. Just WOW. When Lila says you have to take control of your life and not obsess… she MEANS that.

I ordered a powerful breakup spell back in early 2023 because I’m in love with my friend who was dating another guy. The sight of them together completely wrecked me and I would burst out into tears at night thinking about how much I wanted to be with my friend.

I ordered a Break Up spell to break them and I also ordered a Destroy my Competition spell to get rid of my friend’s boyfriend.

A few months after the spells were cast, my friend and his boyfriend got married. I was completely devastated but I remained hopeful and loyal to Lilith.

A year went by and On their 1 year anniversary together they were dealing with a lot of conflict. Just 1 week later my friend’s husband cheated on my friend with another guy, not only that but he tried to get legal ownership of my friend’s assets. My friend was able to prevent all of this and now they have split, he has sent him to court, and they are completely OVER!!!

They hadn’t had sex in 8 months and now my friend can’t even stand his husband. Now that they’re getting divorced my friend wants to do all these fun things with me.

They got married and broke up.
His husband’s reputation has been DESTROYED!!!

Thank you LILA!!!! I can’t thank you enough!!!!

I love you all so much for all you’ve done!!!!


I did a Curse Removal, Demonic Protection, Healing, and Road Opener for my son.

Starting ~2020, I was in a witch fight and didn’t know. My life fell into SHAMBLES. This is someone who managed to break me and my boyfriend (at the time) up, but was crazed he still loved me, and was crazed he still intended to do the business we planned together…so she she went nuclear.

People in town talked about my kids in glowing terms…so she went after them, too.

By the time I realized what was happening, everything was wayyyyy off kilter. I am still working on turning it around.

Enter Lila.

A year after the spells, my son’s exhausting girlfriend up and left—moved across the country. He’s been happily dating a girl that suits him perfectly for months now. During the time I realized my kids were also being pounded, my son lost his job. Things were bat shit crazy for a while. Completely out of pocket.

But then he started his own company with a friend, producing TV and movies. And he just sent me a photo from an Oscar party, in LA. The first thought I had when I saw the photo was, “I love this woman [Lila]” ♥️♥️♥️


I am forever grateful to Lila for changing my life for the better !!! You will never ever find another spellcaster as amazing , powerful , magical, sweet , honest and kind like her ! She is an absolute gem. ❤️She has performed multiple spells for me Everyday I feel happy and energized just thinking of all wonderful jobs they do in helping ppl better their lives in so many different ways. As long as I’m alive she will always be on my side. Lots of love to you Lila and all the beautiful demons that make the impossible possible ! Coming back to you soo!👏


There is trust, and then there is faith. I did the New Year’s Vortex. The reason, my personal goal, is a project I want to organize and complete. Within a week, I felt this overwhelming desire to move. I looked online and changed the filter to rentals, but forgot to put a location. The first house I saw, the house at the top of the search results, resonated with me. Like if you were going to build a house specifically for me, this would be it. I clicked on it, it’s brand new, in a gated community, and the name of the company (the builders) is the first and middle name of my son. Kismet? The house is an hour away from my current home. Which adds a long commute for me, and some scheduling issues. Because I’m not fully getting rid of my current home, I need my ex to help me rent this. He makes a lot of money but also has a lot of debt and bad credit. He says he’ll try. The rent is exorbitant, but he is accepted. We are both shocked. I then think maybe I should find a place closer to my current home. My ex applies, for me, to several places that are half the rent of this far away destination. He is denied. I then feel, deeply, that his being able to get this amazing house is part of my Vortex and I just need to roll with it. I did all of this from my phone, while on a trip. I was away from 12/31-1/15. As of February 1, I have been moving. So things have been chaotic. My older son, who was taking a gap year suddenly decides he wants to go to school. Another seeming inconvenience, but I’m rolling with these changes. I start to think things are lining up for me to do what I need to do. Then a friend texts me about being an extra in her play. I thought it’ll be fun—why not. I say yes. So now the guy playing opposite me, who is a successful business owner/CEO calls me to collaborate. I look him up online, he owns a marketing company. From the outside looking in, right now my life looks like a mess of boxes and half put together furniture, etc… I’m worn out every day. And haven’t gotten to step one of my project. But I see how things are lining up, and I can feel the difference, within myself, just being away from the environment that was pulling me down. It’s like substantial negative energy has been removed, just by removing myself. I have the security I need, the drive, and most importantly HOPE again—for the first time in a long time. And hopefully maybe some help from a random person that I’m suddenly crossing paths with. When Lila says you have to be open to the changes…I just moved my entire life because I felt the pull and did not want to be my own obstacle. And things that would be obvious obstacles just moved the f out of my way. In Lila, I have FAITH🤎🤎🤎


Demonic Love Binding Spell

When this ritual says “However, fortunately, this ritual gives an astonishing sense of confidence to customers after the work is done.” that is no joke. It hit me before I got the email. It would be easy to dismiss the sudden swell of confidence but the reality is that it wasn’t there one moment, then suddenly it was. Ride that high and don’t let it go. Focus on yourself, dispel the intrusive thoughts, and utilize that trust in the work.


Dream of Me Spell (and others to come)

Self doubt, insecurity, and anxiety can crush can hinder your results. Letting go and trusting in the work is difficult. It was for me. But I kept at it, held true to the belief in the work, and acknowledged the intrusive thoughts that plagued me without identifying with them. Once I managed that, the movement of the spell was surprisingly fast. My POI is stubborn but the progress is undeniable.

Thank you Lilith.


I normally don’t write reviews. But here is mine for the very first timr writing a reviews, A couple of weeks ago I bought her a 2 spells. This 2 spells manifesed immediately, 5 days after the spell performed….. I don’t go much into details. Just try it and you will see the real magic. Lilla makes magical things happen for you if you want it.. I sent her a private message letting her know about her magic..Thank You


So…WOW. I don’t even have the right words. I did a remove curse, protection, heal, and road opener for my son.

He was dating a girl that I didn’t think was right for him, but I never did anything to work against them, never intervened.

Shortly after the road opener, they broke up. As a mother, all I could think was ‘right on’. I KNEW I was right about that. Now he is on his way to Europe for a business project; and another opportunity, that is just beyond, has just opened up for him.

For the holidays, he won’t have anything to unwrap. I, instead, have the Allure in my que. Gosh, if these kids only knew what we do for them.



Lila is an absolute treasure, une reine 👑 , and one of a kind. All her spells create magnificent results. I had so many spells done for me that are manifesting magnificently.

Lila did the supremely powerful Vortex Ritual for my child. My child had been dealing with issues relating to her father’s passing and bullying at school. Professional Therapy, lots of love and support, fun travels, healthy living, sports, journaling etc. all helped but something was deeply missing, something only Lila could help with.

Since the Vortex Ritual was performed, my baby has shown more self confidence, healing and resilience. It has only been a short amount of time! I am in awe 🤩
My child has no idea that this was done for her but keeps telling me, Mummy, I feel so different; I feel happier, stronger and I have more energy. The physical changes are also apparent with the correct posture (chin up and no slouching). Another thing is that the mean kids have backed off as if sensing these changes in my child. It is both comforting and such a satisfying feeling to see this. I am forever grateful to have this privilege of having such access to amazing rituals done by our Queen Lila.

As a mother who hates to see her child suffering emotionally , this beautiful Vortex Ritual moved me to tears. So, a huge thank you Lila and the Mighty Demons who are changing our lives in magnificent ways. 🙏 🙏 🙏


« Lève-toi, Luciférien. Laisse l’ignorance aux non-informés et renouvelle-toi ».

Je laisse ce troisième et nouveau témoignage en ce jour du 15 Novembre 2024 avec cette citation qui est issue de la description du rituel de conversion au luciférisme.

En tant qu’ancien baptisé catholique par défaut et non-pratiquant, et ayant fait un « pèlerinage » à Lourdes en 2019, en France, pour tenter de trouver des réponses à des questions sur ma vie : j’ai pu constater que finalement, je ne trouverais aucune réponse dans les démarches effectuées auparavant.

Bien que je n’aimais pas aller au catéchisme lorsque j’étais plus jeune (cela me saoulait plus qu’autre chose), je n’en avais pas une détestation pour autant. Ma famille ne pratiquait pas à la base mais faisait les baptêmes plus par habitude que par réelles convictions.

Lorsque je suis tombé sur Lila depuis Etsy et que j’ai commencé à travailler avec elle sur différents sorts (malédictions et amour), j’ai commencé à me poser des questions sur moi-même et de ce que je voulais vraiment. En voyant les possibilités à travers les services de Lila sur le long terme, j’avais déjà fait part lors de mon tout premier témoignage que je réfléchissais à l’éventualité de me convertir en tant que luciférien.

Bien qu’il est dit que ce n’est pas une décision à prendre sur un coup de tête, je me suis fixé un délai de 1 an (de Samhain 2023 à 2024) pour peser le pour et le contre, les conséquences que cela pouvait impliquer et de se dire « est-ce vraiment cela que je désire ? ».

Bien qu’entre-temps, j’ai travaillé avec Lila sur d’autres rituels, j’ai toujours gardé la réflexion de la conversion. J’ai fait le choix au bout de 6 mois : le délai restant permettait de pouvoir confirmer ou pas la décision. Je ne voulais pas décider à une période donnée pour ensuite le regretter quelque temps après, d’où la période fixée à 1 an.

Plus la nuit du 31 Octobre se rapprochait, plus les journées étaient longues à mes yeux et plus je stressais à l’idée de me dire « ça y est, c’est fait ».

Quelques jours après, j’ai reçu les instructions à suivre et je me suis arrangé avec Lila pour le faire sur un « jour spécial » qui était chère à notre praticienne préférée. J’ai bien été patient avant de confirmer à travers ma commande et ma réservation pour Samhain 2024 en Septembre, je pouvais encore attendre quelques jours de plus.

Lorsque j’ai enfin suivi les instructions, j’ai été assez stressé, paniqué mais aussi très excité et déterminé à vouloir le faire par moi-même: c’était pour moi, ma façon de confirmer définitivement ma conversion et être un Luciférien.

Est-ce que j’avais une haine de la religion chrétienne ? Pas du tout : ce sont surtout les frustrations extérieures de la Vie qui m’ont poussées indirectement à me convertir. Je ne supportais plus les frustrations liées à la barrière mentale que je m’étais fixée durant toute ces années, à ces ennemis du passé et du présent qui ont fait en sorte que je sois considéré comme « faible », m’empêchant ainsi de pouvoir m’épanouir sereinement durant toutes ces années, avant de pouvoir éliminer ceux du futur.

Je ne supportais plus ces frustrations dans les autres domaines qu’ils soient sentimentaux ou professionnels par exemple. Je ne supporte plus cette espèce de médiocrité intellectuelle générale que je constate encore actuellement : je veux approfondir mes connaissances, je veux découvrir ces nouvelles choses considérées comme interdites que ce soit les connaissances ou bien les plaisirs de la Vie. Je veux goûter aux privilèges de la Vie, je veux aller là où les autres n’iront jamais par peur, par idéologie ou bien d’autres raisons qui leur sont propres.

Je veux pouvoir vivre au delà de l’ordinaire, pouvoir avantager ma famille de manière indirecte avec cette possibilité de faire appel aux services des démons. Avoir une relation positive avec eux et leur permettre d’avoir un humain de plus à leurs côtés. Je veux, un jour, pouvoir fonder une famille et assurer ainsi une descendance « démoniaque », que je sois à l’origine de cette lignée.

En me convertissant, j’ai accepté de me corrompre totalement, que ce soit au niveau de l’âme, du corps, de la chair, du sang et même du sperme. J’ai fait le choix de vouloir devenir une nouvelle personne, une meilleure version de moi-même et cela implique de reconnaître Lucifer, de lui jurer fidélité et la gratitude jusqu’au bout (ce qui n’est pas un problème pour moi).

Et là, je peux le dire: « Lucifer est mon Dieu, Lilith est ma Déesse, Lila est ma prêtresse et Boussole Démoniaque ».

J’assume que je ne pourrais pas pratiquer une quelconque magie pour des raisons de matériels, d’emplacements, ni même de faire un autel ; c’est pour cela que je passerais toujours par Lila pour ses services et les offrandes car beaucoup plus professionnelle et très grande passionnée pour ce qu’elle fait.

A tout ceux qui hésitent à se convertir : laissez-vous un temps pour réfléchir si vous le voulez vraiment, ensuite ne soyez pas timide ou effrayé sur vos désirs les plus profonds.

Pour ma part : « C’est Fait ».

Et à Lilith Argelich: une reconnaissance éternelle pour m’avoir guidée jusqu’au bout durant toute la conversion.


Folks… when I tell you this magic holds surprises…. Believe me, I can’t believe it myself😯!!!! Following an unfortunate hair catastrophe, I lost what little confidence I had in myself… I performed the ritual accordingly, but you have to know how to be patient.

It’s hard to go out when you’ve lost your pride (sport, shopping)… but when you have the Samhain and evocation ritual, carefully done by Lila; you shed one last little tear of weakness before stepping outside, you take a deep breath… And now you’ve got INSTAGRAM influencers talking to you when they weren’t talking to you before 😯. You don’t feel FEAR, but a surge of energy bubbling up in your body and heart… What more do you need 🤷‍♀️

Above all, you have to stop with this concealed positivity, you appear false to the demons and Lilith. Yes, we have the right to fail, but we mustn’t get stuck on it… every time, we have to bounce back stronger! And I speak from experience.

When Lila tells us to be positive, we have to understand “to be authentic”, “to be constant”, “to be TRUE”. We want this demonic magic in our lives… well, let’s accept it in its entirety, period 🤩🤩🤩🤩


I love reading and re-reading the comments of all the people who turn to demonic magic, it helps enormously not to falter; and it’s true that this magic can hold surprises that you wouldn’t expect.

As for me, I was able to reserve my place for Samhain, to which end I was allowed to do the evocation spell again, and finally, an object that was very close to my heart arrived just before the Samhain ritual… So what can I say!!! What can I say about Lila, except that she’s INCREDIBLE. Thank you Lila for making our wishes come true. Glory and Gratitude to the demons and to LILITH!


About 4 months ago I asked Lila to perform the Banishment/Leave me alone ritual to get someone away from my family member and his business, which this person is destroying. It’s a complicated situation so I knew it would take time, but over the last few weeks there has been a lot of unrest between them, more arguments and some talk of this person moving on, so I’m sure he will be gone very soon!
Lila is my secret weapon, accompanying me through life and helping with all that I want and need. Even though I’ve never met her, I totally adore and admire her. I am currently making a list and planning my next spells! Thank you Lila, for everything – I am forever grateful ✨


I rarely leave reviews but for Lila, I have to! I can say with confidence that Lila has SAVED MY LIFE! I truly believe I would not be alive today without her help. She answers any questions and comments I ever had and responds in a timely manner. She genuinely cares about her customers and looks out for our best interest, unlike other practitioners. When you have your back helplessly against the wall and have no one to turn to for help, she will be there. She’s my ride or die. She is my secret. No amount of money I can ever give her can repay for her services for me. I am forever grateful to have known and worked with Lila. I know I’ll always be a forever customer and can say with confidence you are working with the best when you go to her.


I would like to share my experience with Lilith and services provided. Lilith strongly feels and understands her client’s needs and concerns. She responds to emails when time permits and pictures of her spell work is breath taking. I have had more than 10 love spells done from both her general page and her private collection page. My target affection remains unchanged; however, we still remain friends. I am grateful in Lilith efforts the time she taken to try to make that happen for me.


If you had told me, a year ago, I would believe in magic and be casting spells, I would laugh and say you’re crazy.

But, I truly believe in Lila’s power and ability, and have seen the results first hand.

A while ago, my friend asked me if she could give me the cash and charge some thing to my credit card, so her ex wouldn’t see. Suddenly, I’m getting all these charges from LilithCult, and I’m thinking wtf.

I have no doubt that my friend (and business partner) was being messed up by magic. She went from being a dynamic and driven person to being paralyzed, and almost catatonic at times. Being shunned from a community that formerly loved her. Her home, friendships, and our business and finances crumbling. Her kids, too, were affected. It actually burns my blood thinking about it. All with no logical explanation or understandable cause- at least so I though at first.

This went on for almost 2 years. There’s a longer story about how we came to realize what was happening, but the point is that we found Lila and things started to change. I witnessed it.

Now, I’m on a war path spelling the people that messed us up, as we rebuild the life that was interrupted

When they say magic is permanent … well, some things may have been permanently messed up for us. But with Lila’s help, I truly believe we are going to be able to carve out a great [new] life. Maybe even better than the one that was sabotaged.

Sayonara to anyone that gets in our way. And right back atcha to the folks that started this. I almost want to feel sorry for the people I’m unleashing my wrath on, through Lila, but I just don’t.

I feel awe and gratitude every time I think of Lila.

With utmost respect, VRM

« Éliminer un ennemi ou toute menace imminente à notre existence est la règle numéro un en démonologie ».

Nous sommes le 29 Septembre 2024 et je laisse un témoignage de mise à jour concernant mes sorts.

Lors de mon dernier témoignage laissé au 1er décembre 2023, j’avais parlé de la situation avec une cible sentimentale. J’avais commandé un sort de rupture suivi d’un autre où elle rêve de moi : au final, je ne suis pas allé la voir parce que comme je l’ai un peu observé sur son compte facebook, elle faisait mention de ses ventes pour son nouveau vide-maison mais aussi de l’achat d’un camping-car.

A partir de là, au vu de ma situation personnelle et de ce que je savais sur la cible, je me suis posé la question sur mes véritable priorités (à l’époque, j’avais eu du mal à accepter le fait qu’elle déménage avec son ex). Au final, je l’ai laissé partir tandis que je me suis concentré sur moi-même.

C’est un échec que j’assume totalement et je refuse de mettre cela sur le dos de Lila et de la reine Lilith.

Depuis Février 2024, je me suis remis au sport à la maison pour des raisons de santé mais aussi pour un objectif de beauté et de séduction. Je peux passer une commande de perte de poids si je le désire mais je veux avant, faire mes preuves avec la motivation grâce à Paimon : je l’aime énormément et je maintiens toujours qu’il est ma colonne vertébrale.
Grâce à la volonté reçue par mon démon préféré, j’ai perdu du poids, pas forcément de manière significative, passant de 112 kilos à 105 kilos depuis.

Chaque kilo de perdu est une victoire.

La perte s’est faite remarquée chez mon entourage et par mes collègues de travail : je fais tout mon possible pour réduire la « mauvaise nourriture » et à manger beaucoup plus sainement. En plus de cela, à force de faire du sport, je développe un amour pour mon corps et plus ou moins à une montée du désir de sexualité.

Une fois que je me serais bien avancé dans les malédictions contre mes nombreux ennemis, je passerais au domaine de la beauté et de la sexualité : je fais petit à petit mon ascension pour devenir la meilleure version de moi-même en général. Et lorsque j’estimerais que je ne pourrais plus perdre du poids, je passerais par le sort de perte de poids en question pour rajouter un coup de « boost ».

Suite à un pacte de richesse, j’ai eu l’acceptation d’un prêt à la banque dans le but de pouvoir faire des travaux de rénovation énergétique pour ma maison. Il ne me reste plus qu’une seule étape pour finaliser les travaux et ainsi commencer le remboursement du prêt, seulement cette dernière étape nécessite un accord de ma mairie et dans la réglementation actuelle, ce n’est pas possible.

Comme il va y avoir une nouvelle réglementation sur l’urbanisme qui sortira en Mars 2025, j’en ai profité pour lancer un sort de domination sur la cible (qui est le maire) pour déjà lui « conseiller » de mettre dans la nouvelle réglementation ce dont j’ai « besoin » à travers le sort de domination avec Bélial.

La situation du Maire nécessite à ce que je le fasse en deux parties : la première pour imposer ce que j’ai besoin dans la nouvelle réglementation avant sa publication en Mars 2025 et la seconde pour qu’elle me donne automatiquement l’autorisation nécessaire avant de terminer les derniers travaux.

La seconde partie, je le ferais d’ici fin décembre 2024 / début Janvier 2025 car j’anticipe toujours un délai de trois mois minimum avant qu’il y ait un début de manifestation des sorts.

Je n’ai pas vraiment de contacts plus ou moins directs avec les cibles concernées dans la très grande majorité : je pars du principe que chaque sort mené marchera car je suis très patient, je suis concentré sur moi-même et que je crois aux démons au vu déjà de ma situation avec la motivation, une curiosité et une envie de culture via le démon Seere, ma situation financière et les rares cas de vérifications des malédictions lancées.

Et c’est là que je vais me concentrer : les malédictions.

Je suis quelqu’un qui est devenu rancunier au fil des années, à cause de situations totalement injustes me concernant : du harcèlement et des moqueries que ce soit durant la période scolaire (que j’ai profondément détesté), au début de mon travail actuel en novembre 2013 (ça s’est bien calmé depuis), des situations de mépris faite par d’autres parce qu’ils ont faits de « grandes choses et que moi, je n’ai rien fait entre-temps », les croyances comme quoi le karma va forcément s’occuper d’eux tôt ou tard alors que ça n’arrive jamais, et j’en passe…..

J’ai recroisé, il y a trois mois par hasard, un ennemi qui a été mon sujet de test pour mon tout premier sort commandé avec Lila, sur le sort de rupture. Bien que j’avais déjà eu la confirmation de sa rupture trois semaines après (j’avais pris la réservation pour la pleine Lune, à ce moment-là) via ses photos sur les réseaux sociaux, elle s’est définitivement terminée plusieurs semaines après avec la suppression de toutes les photos où il était avec sa partenaire.

Il m’avait déjà menacé par le passé et à participé au harcèlement subi à partir de 2014, au point d’avoir fini l’affaire jusqu’au tribunal.

Avant que je ne l’évite pour éviter des éventuelles provocations et parce que je me sentais aussi en danger, je l’ai entendu parler avec une autre personne sur sa situation et du fait qu’il a rompu avec sa partenaire ce qui a rajouté une nouvelle fois la confirmation du sort de rupture fait par le passé.
Comme c’est le genre de personne un peu arrogante, j’avais prévu de le maudire avec les cauchemars permanents à l’avenir pour le remettre à sa place et qu’il comprenne qu’il n’était nullement supérieur à un autre, en plus de me venger de ce qu’il m’a fait subir par le passé.

Je l’ai évité durant deux jours, vu qu’il était intérimaire à ce moment-là, avant qu’il ne soit plus jamais rappelé par la suite, au vu de l’affaire passé : le directeur m’avait soutenu à l’époque mais mes supérieurs hiérarchiques n’avaient pas eu les détails, et ont même eu un doute si c’était bien la même personne au vu du nom jusqu’à ce que je leur raconte.

Je ne suis pas en contact avec la plupart des cibles sur les malédictions lancées depuis mon dernier témoignage mais j’ai la possibilité de connaître éventuellement leurs situations via les réseaux sociaux au loin : après, il ne faut pas oublier que les personnes ne vont pas forcément raconter leurs malheurs sur internet et qu’ils n’affichent uniquement que ce qu’ils veulent bien montrer.

A partir de là, je me dis qu’une fois que le sort a été lancé par Lila, je n’ai plus à m’inquiéter parce que je crois aux démons et à leurs capacités.

Récemment, j’ai lancé un sort de vengeance extrême concernant un ennemi de l’école primaire : pour la première fois, j’ai senti mon « instinct » me dire très clairement de retrouver cet ennemi et de le lui faire payer pour de bon ce qu’il m’avait fait subir à l’époque. Je n’ai eu aucune hésitation à prendre le sort de vengeance extrême de Lilith car ma haine concernant l’ennemi est grande.

Une fois le sort effectué, j’ai senti un grand soulagement de me dire « c’est fait » et qu’il aura sa punition qu’il mérite.

Il est dans une très bonne situation générale et c’est encore assez tôt pour dire quoi que ce soit là-dessus car comme je l’ai dit: je ne suis pas en contact et d’un côté, cela me va très bien.

(Petit fait amusant en rapport avec ce sort : un jour, j’ai ressenti un énorme coup de boost qui a commencé dès le réveil jusqu’à la fin de la journée. Ce n’est qu’à la consultation des mails le soir que j’ai compris pourquoi : Lila m’avait envoyée le mail avec la photo du rituel, fait la veille, dans la journée.)

Je n’ai plus aucune honte, plus aucune culpabilité à faire appel aux démons pour punir mes ennemis.

Pour les personnes qui auraient encore des doutes à vouloir se venger : non, je n’ai eu aucun retour négatif depuis que j’ai commencé les malédictions.

J’ai compris que seul le rapport de force compte et que pour s’en sortir, il faut se débarrasser des obstacles humains quel qu’ils soient.
Peu importe leurs situations personnelles qu’elles soient justifiées ou pas, j’élimine coûte que coûte.

J’ai assez subi comme ça dans ma vie, qu’ils goûtent à leurs propres médecines maintenant. Que leurs cris de douleur deviennent des douces mélodies à mes oreilles.

J’ai encore des choses à dire mais je vais m’arrêter là…. pour l’instant.

N’ayez aucun sentiment de culpabilité car la personne qui vous a faite du mal, n’en a eue aucune à votre égard : il n’est pas normal de subir et de se laisser faire.

Vous devez éliminer l’ennemi, vous devez le maudire, vous devez le punir : il en va de votre intégrité physique que mental.


OML (Oh my Lila)
The Youth Spell. If it was even a thought in your mind…just do it!👵🏼👩🏻It would be TMI to get into the details. But I’m so happy. And grateful. So grateful🤎🌸


Over a month ago Lila performed the Skin spell for me. I’ve always suffered with eczema since I was a kid and it’s difficult to get it under control when it flares up. It becomes embarrassing. It can hurt physically and gets you down mentally.
This spell is beautiful. My skin is improving so quickly, at a pace I’d never get if I just used my usual creams and lotions alone. People are starting to comment at how good it is looking and I’m getting my confidence back. Thank you Lila ✨


I ordered the Possession Spell on someone, a few months ago. After seeing the results, I ordered it, again—this time for the person that is responsible for messing up my life in so many ways it leaves one speechless. When I opened my email, this morning, and saw that the spell has been cast…I feel such relief; because, for the next few months, this guy is going to be messing himself up (and hopefully doling it out on a particular person). I have such faith, gratitude, and admiration for Lila. The Possession is nasty business🎉🖤


Last year, you conducted a breakup ritual for my friend and her partner 💔 in August, and they ended their relationship in late December. I followed your advice to let it go 🌬️ and allow things to unfold 🌱, and I just wanted to express my gratitude 🙏. Thank you


I paid for 2 custom friendship spells for two people to have a platonic love for me.

The first friendship is taking its sweet time to bloom. Honestly I find the person to be very cold but she is viewing my instagram stories shamelessly. She won’t add me as a friend on instagram and she won’t reply my messages so I guess that friendship spell is still trying to manifest

The second one is working lovely. The person is really present in the friendship and is covering the costs of all the activities and even bought me a solid gold 22 k bangle to thank me for being her friend.


Thank you, Lila. I could cry. Just…thank you so much🤎✨


This update is for a very specific spell – the Favor of 15 Demons. I have been left speechless at the precision and strength of this spell. I cannot go into too many details to not give away too much info about myself, but my life has been transformed in the most wonderful way. I have already ordered other spells from Lila that have all worked and brought far better results than I could have ever imagined. But this spell feels very different in the best way. Two almost two years after crossing paths with Lila and I hope to continue growing through her spells for the rest of my days.

I have a list of other spells to order to keep fulfilling my end goals, but I am relishing the effects of this spell and feeling very aware of it manifesting. I don’t know what life was like before Lila. She is not only a powerful and skilled witch, but an artist who puts so much beauty into her spells that make me feel so special when she completes them. Every day I am committed to living in the Luciferian way and I am paying closer attention to the details of the every day so that I can express my gratitude to the almighty demons. Lila is a world treasure that I was fortunate to find. I hope that not a day goes by that she does not feel my gratitude and respect. Lila is a rare gem – one of one. ❤️🥹


Your testimonials page is inspiring and beautifully crafted. The heartfelt stories and authentic feedback truly capture the essence of Lilith Cult.

Master Vijay Ji

Reading these testimonials, you can just feel how important Lila is to so many…not the least of which is myself.

People often wonder about the timing. I’m five weeks out from my favorite three word email, “It is done”, regarding my Discipline & Willpower Spell. Someone has been working against me, and I was hoping this spell would help pull me out of the rut I’ve been in for so long—so I can start turning things around. I felt the shift the last few days. And I know that this change will help me make other changes I so desperately need.

At the beginning of June, I did the Fascination & Domination spell, which worked so quickly it made me giddy. Two parties I didn’t originally want to be at, and an event I wanted to avoid…and I felt like a celebrity.

The person that spelled my boyfriend (and business partner) away from me…I spelled her back. A break up (quid pro quo). To my knowledge, that took about twelve weeks. If I have to re up on that, I will, but I’m able to move forward in my life (a bit) knowing there’s a way to deal with things, injustices, that seem insurmountable.

It’s taken me a while to trust, to wait, to have faith. I know it can be hard when someone has caused you suffering/when you are desperate for something to change, but the results speak for themselves. Which is why I have recently requested the protection spell. With Lila’s help, I finally am starting to feel I have something to protect…the life I am rebuilding xx


I have found Lila’s work to be exceedingly fantastic, of the highest quality.

I was quite literally under the poverty level in a 1st world country; I didn’t know how to survive.

Lila performed the Gold Digger spell for me.

Suddenly; I had a sugar daddy and he ended up spending over £6k on me in a 3-6 month period (I don’t remember the exact dates this was back in 2020).

I was adorning myself to the best of my abilities.

Lilith understood; and despite being low-maintenance, I still managed to reel in a man who was taking care of me.

Since then; my income has increased 7x over. I am now ready to go into more wealth spells; and attraction/love spells.

Thank you, Lila.

I found you at a time when I really needed you and the demons you work with; and since then I have become closer to Lucifer, Lilith and Legion.

Blessed be.


There’s a woman. She was casting spells on me and ruining every facet of my life. Looking back, this has been going on for a few years. I was so afraid of her. She’s a Luciferian, herself, who also uses professional casters. This woman does not even know me, personally. She wanted my boyfriend. We were deeply in love. We are no longer together, but she also is not ‘with’ him, with him, though she is in his life and I am not…it took over a year to accomplish that. (She turned him into the worst version of himself.) I was living in FEAR, trying only to protect myself from further attacks. I could not conceive of going after her, of retribution, or of being offensive. UNTIL I FOUND LILA. Even then, it took some time. I witnessed, over and over, the results of Lila’s work, before I felt confident enough to do anything to this person. I was afraid, and now I am not. This woman didn’t just take my relationship, THEY then took my plans and left me with an empty business and almost no way out/forward. My life was shattered, and now I have hope. I’ve done so many spells. My confidence is coming back, my will, my drive, my hope for the future. Every time I open my email and see “It is done” is like Christmas morning. I don’t want to learn to forgive the people that f*k’d my life. I want to mess them up. I want my life back. Better than before. And, thanks to Lila, I know I can have it. So grateful xx.


I feel so bad for not leaving a testimonial earlier but Lila has been working my rituals for the past 2 years and I have grown and my love for demons have grown substantially. My salary has doubled since her, currently making a quarter million, and many of my targets have caved in to me sexually and romantically and several enemies have fallen. Thank you Lila for everything and I have much love for you and your work

Alfonso Acosta

This isn’t to speak of the spells (I’m still waiting for them to manifest entirely) but this is to speak of Lila’s work ethic. She flat out says no to any work done on a minor if it can be baneful to another target. I respect that. Twice I asked for a refund for different reasons and there were no questions asked but the refund was given. I respect that too


Lila is a life saver!
Her spells are so amazing.
I was having trouble sleeping and my car had broken down and generally having bad luck.
Since i had the curse removal i have had better sleep and the last few days have been going great.

I have also ordered a personal custom ritual which i wont publicly disclose but its for an ongoing problem i have had for years and i am sure Lila will take care of me with this ritual too.

I am forever grateful to be one of her clients 💕💕

Victoria G

Lila has taken care of so much for me and I am so grateful to her and the demons that I have been able to bring so much to them. I cannot express enough how important Lila has been in my life journey. Thank you Queen. I love you xx Thank you for all the patience, strength, and life changing work you do/have done on my behalf. So much gratitude and respect to Lucifer, Lilith, and ALL the Amazing Demons that have helped me SO much thanks to beautiful Lila’s intervention. Thanks to you all I have so much to look forward to now, and I am unbreakable.

Love you forever,
- Es


When I first learned about Lilith, I came to her for matters of the heart (break up spell, miserable without me, dream of me, and . It was a complicated love triangle on my part as well as the person I was involved with. At the time, different spells manifested at different times. Some almost overnight and others showed signs of movement. But now? Wow! Suddenly, they all have come together to bring about the results I always wanted. Patience is everything.

I also ordered the Heal from Abuse/Emotional Healing spell and I have seen that come to fruition the strongest. I was depressed, second guessing myself, an emotional mess. In the past year, I have become a different person and started to focus on my career and getting ahead in my profession. Let me tell you that my area of work is competitive and people will not think twice about stabbing you in the back while pretending to me friendly. I ordered the Protection Spell, the demonic charisma and the road opener spells at different times. I am now advancing faster in my profession and am able to be just as competitive as the others. I am one step closer to getting what I most want in my work.

My next spells will be curse tablets for all of those who stabbed me in the back. Those curse tablets are powerful. I am also ordering another spell that will protect me in the most beautiful way but I do not want to mention it here because of how special it is. I don’t feel guilty anymore. I have the courage to go out and get what I want. I am still learning about the Luciferian way of life and doing my best to honor all the demons from the spells. I am learning to live my best life and thank you to Lila for making that possible. My deepest respect to Lila.


Llevo año y medio trabajando con Lilith en distintos rituales. Solamente os digo que uno de los últimos que le encargué, el del cabello, supe que lo había realizado antes de que me mandara la foto de confirmación. Mi pelo había perdido su volumen y sus rizos de forma inexplicable en los últimos tres meses y este hecho me tenía bastante deprimida… Un día me paré en una tienda y algo me impulsó a comprar una línea de productos capilares que desconocía y que no había probado nunca… Fue lavarme por primera vez el pelo con ellos y que mis rizos empezarán a tomar forma de nuevo. Evidentemente, fue la efectividad del ritual. Por siempre, una clienta; por siempre, una admiradora.

Aurora Rodríguez Ariño

I wanted to leave another update. The Come Back To Me spell worked the fastest out of the most recent four love spells I’ve requested. Lilith casted it last night (3/27/24) and before I’ve received her confirmation this morning, I already knew because my ex called me. Mind you, I broke up with him for valid reasons a month ago and we did not communicate at all. However, he called me last night and we talked for almost four hours. He admitted how much he’s missed me and took accountability for his part on why I broke up with him. I told him I would be open with us starting slow with no titles, as I did break up with him for a reason so I want him to show me. But, I highly reccomend the Come Back To Me spell if you desire communication and/or realization from an ex!


This is an update post <3 My spells have been working wonderfully! My target and I consistently speak and he is chasing me all the time. I have completely relaxed and no longer chase him. This is a complete 180 from where we were before Lilith casted her spells for me. These spells are continuing to work and I am so excited to see how they continue to help my relationship evolve. My gratitude to Lilith and all the demons is indescribable. Hail Lilith! Thank you Lilith, you are truly amazing, I will be in touch soon for more rituals <3


This is an update for several spells. I think it is important to share them, because I appreciate it when others also post on their progress. Before I get into the details, I think it is important to share the approach that I take when ordering spells. I think about my end goal and what steps (spells) I need to take to get there. Depending on my objective and reading of Lila’s descriptions, I’ll know if I have to order one or two or three to get what I want. It’s like a chessboard almost.

I’m so obsessed with Lila’s curse tablets. They are extremely powerful and have always brought about better results than I could imagine. The target of these curse tablets deserves it all. I decided a while back that I wasn’t going to sit around and wait and feel resentment for all the terrible things this person did to me. The person got “justice” in the way that only Lila can deliver. What was once a super vain and boastful person, thinking they were untouchable is a now a super self conscious, insecure and ugly person. I don’t feel bad at all. I’m still working on my next spell for the horrible things this person did to me. I can sleep at night and have peace knowing that this person is getting what they deserve.

I also ordered the weight loss and beauty spells. I am already down 10 pounds and I look far younger than most people my age. Where they have wrinkles and look tired and worn out, I have glowing skin and look young and fresh. My clothes fits different and I don’t have the same cravings for junk food like before. I am making better choices with food and have not changed my skin care routine at all.

The last one is the demonic charisma spell. That one is pure fire! I can’t get into too much detail about what has happened because I am in the public and need to be careful. I will say that I have been noticed by all the right people and see my career going upward. I have very high favors of all the powers that be in my industry and opportunities have been plentiful that would not be there otherwise because hard work is not enough if you are not noticed. Being a good worker and waiting to get noticed while other people who did less than me get ahead was frustrating for me. They knew how to be fake – something I can’t do. I have to me and only me and now it is paying off because I am being noticed for me. My profession is very cut throat. People stab each other in the back and call you friend at the same time. I am able to advance without resorting to any of this. I’m being noticed without having to bring anyone down.

I am forever thankful and have so much respect for Lila – a powerful witch and teacher of demonology. I used to hear demons and bought into the religious lies but now I feel the religious leaders who tell these lies. I said it in a previous post, those who control the narrative define what is good and what is evil. For so long, christian leaders have spread lies to control the masses and keep us from living to our fullest potential – because that is not convenient for them to have a society of confident and successful people. Imagine a society of people living to their fullest potential? In order to be an oppressor, there has to be someone that is oppressed.

Demons allow us to have the life that we want and deserve based on our own ideas. I have the utmost respect for demons and do all that I can to show them my gratitude. It’s not something I take lightly. I am living my best life and I owe it to Lila, Queen Lilith, Lucifer and the other demons who make the impossible possible.

I can’t wait to order the Baptism Reversal spell and be completely free.


I was initially referred to Lilith by a member on a spiritual website and, boy she was right on how effective Lilith’s work is. I did decide last week (March 4th-10th 2024 for reference) to purchase her succubus seduction and stubborn target ritual and she casted it on March 10th and I’ve already seen effects from the seduction ritual. I’ve received an unexpected refund, my taxes were deposited a day earlier, and I’ve experienced men want to initiate conversations with me in person and online.
As for the stubborn target ritual, I have yet to see it yet but I know I’ll hear from my target soon. He’s very stubborn and struggles with self-sabotaging behaviors. So, as of now (3/13) I’ve taken Lilith’s advice and purchased the dream of me and obsession spell to further enhance my success and I know it’s already working. I’ll be sure to update once I receive communication from him. But, I highly reccomend Lilith!


She has always helped me during my most difficult times and I always trust her advice. I have already purchased several spells from her, and every time, she has always given me confidence. Thank you ❤️

Maria G

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