
Very powerful spell I can see it also affected my mindset with money and I’ve seen it start to open many opportunities for me that I hadn’t had before.


LilithCult is the real deal! The picture she sends as proof that the work has been done is absolutely beautiful. You can tell that she is very knowledgeable in her craft and that powerful forces are at play here. Highly recommended!


This is real magic!
please do not be impatient with results.
Your spells will work when you let go of the situation!
i am so grateful to have lilithcult help me
will be back for more spells soon


She helped me with a massive spiritual issue and banished evil, parasitic forces. I knew I needed major help and no one else around could help me besides Lilith.

Only Lilith is strong enough to identify the true problem and helped me resolve it.

She is the best of the best. Forever grateful, without her I will end up ruined.


It’s been 3 weeks since this spell has been casted and I’ve noticed a HUGE difference. I can walk out of the house in anything with minimal makeup and still get all the looks. Both women and men notice me A LOT. I get many stares, smiles and many “omg you’re so beautiful” or “You’re so pretty” compliments. My confidence level has spiked. I’ll be returning for more spells for sure.


wow! this spell is amazing!
i had instant results within a few days
getting lots of friends requests on social media , asked on dates, new and old flames liking my photos
I went out shopping the other day and alot of people were looking at me as if i had lit up the room when i walked in anywhere
if you are on the fence about this spell please purchase you will not regret it!
thank you LilithCult


Awesome!!!! Second purchase and second perfect experience! Hail Lilith!


Trust on Lilith, she always delivers. Waiting patiently and not even worrying about it. Hail….


Lillith I want you to know that you are an an amazing gifted person! You are straight to the point, honest , compassionate and have the biggest heart! To everybody else’s out there pls! Just patient! Things will slowly materialize if you just let her do her work . LILLITH IS THE ONE AND ONLY . I highly highly recommend her ! ❤️🙏


Excellent communication . Powerful work.
Lilith cults spells are brilliant! Buy from this shop and you will be very very happy. ▪︎☆☆☆☆☆
Five stars!


Too soon too tell but he did tell me he dreamed of me the next day. He hasn’t lately hopefully I come back and update like everyone’s reviews I’m excited ! I recommend her though ! Her picture was stunning. Thanks again

Mj love

If you are thinking about purchasing this spell I whole heartedly recommend it. I was going back and forth for a while on whether I should purchase this, but after doing so I regret not purchasing it sooner. Since it has been cast I have felt empowered both physically and mentally. I feel sexier and full of life. I can guarantee you will not regret it!


Amazing thank you so much for helping me I am grateful for all that you have done for me may the universe bless you.


She truly cares, and helped me when no one else could. ❤️ Simply the best, no doubt about it. Trust in her and her skills, she’s not chatty but when she does dish out advice it is as good as gold. Listen to her.


Belial’s energy is pure, unfiltered power. Self confidence to go after what I want and a general sense of empowerment are what I felt a few days after this ritual was done for me. This energy is raw, direct and powerful 👑 Gratitude to the Queen LilithCult, the Mighty Belial and the demons ♥️


Hail Lilith cult !! Again im slowly seeing results after only a few weeks. Lilith cults spells totally work. Try for yourself. Just have abit patience .
Five stars! ☆☆☆☆☆


Pure energy! I am not entirely sure how to describe how I feel now versus how I used to feel. Empowered? Yes! Stronger? Yes! Sexier? For sure 😊
I purchased this beautiful ritual and other spells from LilithCult and do feel the effects building steadily yet strongly.
I was initially worried that energies would clash as prior to finding LilithCult, I had gotten spells from other spellcasters but I felt so strongly drawn to LilithCult.

I think that faith, confidence, patience and respect for these immense powers are key to getting what you want.
This lady has an immense, powerful gift 🎁 I look forward to working with her to help me with other matters.
Gratitude to LilithCult and her very powerful friends ❤️


Update November 11,2021
It is working so incredibly and powerfully 🖤 ♥️
Wow! is all I can say ⭐️
Get this if you want some peace in your life!


Custom protection for my pets. It’s been a month and their infections that kept recurring for no reason the past few years suddenly improved drastically and almost stopped. Thank you so much Lilith.

Hail Lucifer.


She is so wonderfully kind and thoughtful. Immediately she after She cast, I felt better about everything. All Hail! :)


I have used Lilith for several spells now and she doesn’t ever disappoint. The change that I have seen is absolutely incredible. I felt like he was pulling away, and now since this, he is more attentive, more loving, talking about a future.


Breathtaking pictures of the ritual. Very, very powerful. I purchased this spell along with the Lilith evocation as it “just felt right” to get these 2 together.
For a few days after the spells were cast, I felt really drained and foggy. Maybe this was because these powerful energies were starting to settle in me. I understand that these are not quick fixes and do take time, faith and patience as this is black magic that must manifest in the physical plane.
Now it has been more than 2 weeks after rituals were done and the fatigue is lifting and I do feel myself stronger mentally and physically. Somehow, the fog is lifting and I am starting to feel empowered. Empowerment is something I need after years of feeling like a powerless victim to the circumstances of life.


“Breake Up Spell”

The spell worked as intended😊 highly recommend Lilith as she is truly gifted 👌


Very fast at responding.
Also I already started to tell some different, I feel prettier, my body looks better and I notice both women and man staring at me at places I go… the magic have started 😃❤️

Jessica Abreu

Bought this for my daughter. Eternally grateful!


Lilithcult helped me do a custom hex auto returner on top of the demonic protection ritual for me. I’m under constant attacks by someone due to intense jealousy and also general jealousy. If you are surrounded by ill wishers, her protection and auto returner IS THE BESTTTT! Stop getting robbed of your abundance and happiness because people are being jealous and a piece of sh*t.

For the past 2 months, I can feel when hex attacks get bounced off and there are days I’m just so happy for no reason. It almost feels like the more people tries to rob me of happiness, the more happiness and abundance gets returned to me. This only started when my protection and hex returner was done. My happiness is back!

Why let people get away scot free without punishment for trying to rob you of your happiness and abundance?


Very nice and quick responding, always have pics of the spell. ☺️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


💙I’m A Forever Client💙
When The spell was Finished I Honestly Felt Lighter,more energized,My Life Became More Full of Joy And Happiness.to Be Sincere with All Of You I spent Hundreds of Dollars every Week Cause I Would Find Out by Different Spell Casters That I had A Curse on Me Placed,Black Magic Hex,a Evil Spirit attached to my Soul,A entity Destroying my Happiness but Now ever since I purchased this spell my Life’s changed.I Thank LilithCult For Everything she’s done for me Into My Life I Couldn’t be more grateful than I Am Right Now. Her Magic Is Truly amazing the pictures that she sends are Beautiful I Highly Recommend💙thank you so much LilithCult


Demons working magic for you is the best you can get. This is top notch magic at work and LilithCult is very good. I like that she sends pics afterwards too.


I purchased this spell along with the extreme glamour spell. I feel a difference already. It’s been a week! Have faith do your side of the work too. You will feel sexy. Be prepared because you will attract lots of dates. I’m enjoying teasing men. Thankyou Lilith Cult you have really helped me. And please guys respect your demons as they only do their work if you are grateful and patient. X


“Curse Removal”

So I waited for a few days because I wanted to give a awesome review. I am loving the work that I got done. I can tell the difference and i don’t feel a heaviness no more. I feel as though alot has been lifted off me. Don’t sleep on this her work.


She is the best, and the only one who really can help. I was in a hopeless situation, and she was the only one who fixed it. And Yes the most difficult is the waiting, but guys believe her.


Great service. exceeded my expectations with customer service.


I am so happy to be protected fir my whole life 🙏
The photo that she send to me is super beautiful loved 🙌🏻❤️
I definitely recommend her love her 🙏

Rosa isela

I purchased this spell along with the powerful seductive spell and already I feel I difference! I feel more confident in myself and it’s gave me motivation, people are looking at me in a different light. I’m getting compliments by men and women. Even about little things like my shoes! It’s has only been a week! You have to do your side of the work which means think positive, smile, make eye contact and believe in the spell, respect Lilith a cult and of course Lady Lilith! I’m amazed and so grateful. Thankyou x


This review is long overdue. The results were almost instant and even a bit overwhelming because I had gotten attention before the spell. Love the seller!


Amazing energy and beautiful work. 2 – 3 weeks and I can feel the roads opening for me!! Thank you…. xoxo

Kerry Goerke

Slowly but surely ! Suddenly had lots of clients from years ago remembering my existence and contacting me to pick up order they flaked on back then, amazing !


This is a special ritual Lilith did for my beloved spirit who is part of my spirit family. It broke my heart to realise she was someone I knew in another life and had a spirit condemnation curse without her telling me. The ritual was absolutely beautiful and I teared when I saw the picture of the ritual done. She is free again thanks to the work done to reverse the curse ❤️

In this crazy evil world, Lilithcult shines so bright and her work to help others is beyond amazing.

Thank you so much!


Lilith’s rituals are always beautiful. I cannot tell you how or when they work, but I trust that they do and did for me and my life improved since I found her.


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