The Twin Flame Myth

The Twin Flame Myth

Twin Flame. Where is my Twin Flame? 

I still get angry every time I hear the phrase because of how much misleading and damage it's done to people.

2014 was one of my worse years as an occult professional. The reason was a dangerous relatively new trend: the twin flame myth. 

All of a sudden, the majority of my customers were convinced to be in love with their twin flame -usually, their exes- and wanted them, no matter what. That's fine. While I do a very effective Come Back To Me Spell and I'm not against the intention of wanting a reconciliation with a past lover or partner, the process was, for sure, much more tedious and difficult when the customer was convinced that the target in question was a twin flame. 

After a love ritual, demons will expect confidence and appreciation from you. As results are rarely immediate, your resilience can be tested. Desperation reduces the chances of success - the entities I work with do not appreciate pressure and lack of trust. Your results will manifest within the demons' time period. No more, no less. 

That said, there is a line between an understandable feeling of sadness while you wait for your point of interest to come back, and being always in a state of fear and desperation. 

My customers have always understood this, especially when they also had ordered beauty and magnetism spells and have seen the fantastic results. Glamour Magick works faster because there is no free will to break. You are the only target and you are ready to receive. Seeing your other demonic rituals working effectively provides certainty - this is real. 



However, twin flame customers just thought the rules didn't apply to them. Why? Because to them, their situation was unique, when in reality, it was very ordinary. From their point of view, harassing their targets, ordering tarot readings non-stop and obsessing with signs and synchronicities after my spell work was allowed and okay. My instructions fell on deaf ears and I found these individuals self-limiting, delusional and insufferable. They were more than happy to reaffirm their bad decisions and disrespect my boundaries and my advice. Were they in a special vulnerable place? Umm, no, or not more than my other customers. People who order love spells often do so out of a desire for connection, healing, or hope, rather than purely out of desperation. They take an active role in manifesting their desires. 

But Twin Flame believers... they were just different and I disliked their entitlement. 


The Delusion is Real

At certain point, I decided to do some research about what was going on. Of course, I knew everything about soulmates, but why everyone was now thinking that they were about to be reunited with their other half? Or why they were so sure about their random ex being a divine twin flame? 

Definitely, soul mates or mirror flames were a huge phenomenon around 2011 or so.  I think it was because channelers were hyping the message that 2012 was the year of the ascension. From that date on, the craze began, and within a couple of years, everyone believed they were involved in an insane twin flame journey that encouraged toxicity under the disguise of a divine union.

The twin flame concept was elevating any relationship to a near-mythical status, setting unrealistic expectations and ignoring the realities of human interaction.

There were tons of websites dedicated to this repackaged soul mate nonsense. Because of its exploitative potential, mediums, psychics, coaches and tarot readers were mass marketing the charade with websites, courses, forums and books. Their communities were toxic and predatory. Alternate points of view or personal narratives were heavily censored. The founders of these sites looked and sounded completely crazy but their followers were even crazier in my opinion. 

So, the Twin Flame key points were: 

- The union was inevitable.

- Twin flames were in the path of becoming multidimensional beings.

- The journey was an endless evolution of the soul upwards closer and closer to perfection.

- Twin flame experiences involved constant cycles of union and separation. 

- The universe was using the TF as a tool to motivate the believer. 

- The energy was like being possessed by a holy spirit. 

- The goal was to create a better world via their union - twin flames were here to help raise the consciousness of the planet. 

- If the twin flame is a psychopath, it doesn't matter, because this is all about unconditional love.

- If there is not a single sign of interest from the other person, it means that they are a runner and you are the chaser (you can bet). 

- And if the union doesn't manifest, don't worry, because you'll be with your Twin Flame in the next life! 

Since the Council of Nicea I have never heard of anything such absurd. 


Is Really the Union Inevitable?  

Crazy is the state of being detached from reality and I rarely heard of any success stories, apart from the gurus. If the union is meant to be, why is not everybody with their other half? 

According to experts, Twin Flames harmonious unions were sometimes delayed because both members had to reach a state of perfection before the final meeting. Whether they end up together or not. 

This is the only "positive" thing about twin flame dynamics, but this idea also deepens toxic feelings of inadequacy and pressure. Anyway, at least some former TF cult members are now smarter, wiser and more logical after wasting years of their life and even their dignity chasing their Twin Flame, to end up with nothing to show or a restraining order. 



We Luciferians know that fate is not always going to cooperate. Human connections aren’t always guaranteed to end up in a permanent union. Why should they? How many times have you experienced a special chemistry with someone and nothing has come from it? If you are of a certain age, you know what I am talking about. 

Destiny negates the concept of free will and we are proactive. That's why we do magick. Lucifer encourages us to change and grow and we don't leave the matters to karma. The timing of the spells' results is perfect because they manifest at the right moment, usually when everything is in place... including yourself. You don't need to really change anything if you just want a hook up or to have fun with your point of interest, but if the relationship has the potential to be trascendental, action is required. For example, when a lady orders a ritual to marry rich, I'm very clear about the need to be prepared, because no target is going to rescue you from the streets after my ritual.

Demons will expect you to polish and educate yourself, and meanwhile they'll move all the circumstances and obstacles to make your desire happen. 

Letting a so-called twin flame lead our existence it's completely against our rules and beliefs. 


The Consequences

Back to the topic. If you think that years of irrational behavior have no long-term consequences, you are wrong. The owner of a very popular blog about Twin Flames was trending back then and it catch my attention. Her "twin flame journey" was about sitting at home, being relieved about totally ridiculous coincidences ("he called me today 11+1+2017=1111, wow"), raising her vibration and studying the twin flame concept all day long. But she was convinced: the guy was her twin flame and the reunion was around the corner. 2012 was the year. Then 2014 was the year. Then 2016 was the year and so on. 

In her last post, almost a decade after the start of her TF madness, she admitted she had met the dude only once... in ten years. What a profound connection! She has also lead money to the "twin flame". Luckily, she finally realised it was time to give up. But according to all her careful and lunatic research, weren't TF supposed to reunite? Her conclusion was that the man in question was indeed a false twin flame that had killed the genuine one in a past live -a spiritual usurper, or something like that, because it was so cringey and sad I had to stop reading. 

All the publicly posted twin flames experiences are pretty similar. The alleged signs are always quite mundane and commonplace if you pay attention. And in some cases, these people's chance of being happy is now completely destroyed by this so called soul connection. They are too obsessed, too exhausted and too immersed in the Twin Flames Universe, and nothing good comes from it.

A lot of them even stopped having sex to allegedly clean other's energies inside their bodies. I called it being trapped in sacrifice instead. 


Why You Must Forget About Your "Twin Flame"

I suppose that you are confused about my opinion. Why this bitch (sorry, witch) is so cynical and pragmatic about an ancient truth? Simple: because this ancient truth is now a troubling concept based on delusion, and it's causing real and serious problems in people's lives. That's why New Age spirituality is dangerous - it promotes a lot of harmful ideas, now accesible to anyone. 

If you have been chasing or waiting for a particular person because you thought it was your twin flame, I encourage you to give up and move on NOW. Even if you look at my rituals and think a-ha!, because what I do is not what you want. 

We go after what we want in a positive, fierce and conscious way. Our life is created through our choices and actions. We are empowered, not enslaved. Our perspectives are big but balanced because our aspirations don't dominate our life at expenses of our well-being. On the other hand, everyone I ever met who insisted someone was a twin flame has had some kind of unhealthy attachment infatuation with the final purpose. None of them seemed to be in a good head space. They felt compelled to chase the dream at all costs, even when the journey became unsustainable.

That's the difference between motivation and obsession. 

Extensive engagement with twin flame-related content is unhealthy, as a I said - accept that you have been brainwashed and be grateful that the nightmare has ended. Shift your perspective. Free yourself from the idea that only one person is “meant” for you. Everyone has different people at different stages in their life they are connected with. The concept of only one true love is obsolete, just a cliché that’s been passed down the generations. Relationships don't need a mystical label. 

You will have one, two, three or more and you will be very happy if you redefine your purpose - I promise you that. 

How beautiful and exciting is to embrace the unknown! 


Well written, and very truthful.

Maria Padilha

We feel the exasperation throughout the article, regarding this myth of twin flames.

Just the time Lila answered a question on Instagram, regarding twin flames and the New Age, I immediately felt that it was something that annoyed her more than anything else, ha ha ha.

To get serious again, I had heard of the concept of twin flames but I didn’t really believe in it at the time.

And like anyone else, at that time, I saw tons of websites, advice, information on visions of the future, hidden messages given by higher entities, indigo children and so on….

Everything I saw and read on these subjects mentioned just before in relation to the New Age disgusted me more than anything else, because I had this impression that everyone could benefit from it except me.

I was wondering about myself and my future, but I wasn’t going to fall into that type of thinking because deep down I hated it.

I was right to do so because given what has already been described for twin flames, I don’t dare imagine what the other movements would be like regarding the “brainwashing” that this New Age spirituality has brought.

Especially since it seems to me that there is also another movement that seems to have arrived at about the same time as the New Age: Wiccanism.

And given the few quick searches I had done on Wiccanism, I strongly doubt that Lila considers herself a Wiccan, given her way of saying things and denouncing, especially what is false and what is likely to lead to charlatans.

“How beautiful and exciting it is to embrace the unknown”: I agree with this sentence because I find myself in it, after having embraced Luciferianism on my side.🔥🖤


Thank you to Lila for writing yet another sensible post. Firstly, most people start resorting to casters only for the purpose of love, especially from the state of desperation, as they feel helpless about their current situation. In fact, so much of homework comes with it that is energy-based, especially with regards to detachment and letting go. As hard as it is to clip the wings of the butterflies in our stomachs, please listen to Lila on this one, as it has direct implications on the outcome of her work.

Secondly, the twin flame concept introduces rises and falls into the plot and normalizes them, so much so that one is bound to believe that disrespect and violation of boundaries from the other half is a part of the divine plan, wherein the couple is tested before reunion. Energetically speaking, we are opening ourselves to downgrades as we think that the person has to run before we get hold of them, since that’s how twin flame scripts are supposed to roll. In essence, we are creating our own obstacles, instead of sitting back and seeing how things progress.

Finally, open yourself to the possibility that you are not a know it all and sometimes, the demons themselves allow us to run into the wrong people and make mistakes in relationships, so that we learn from them and develop more relationship-based intelligence when a finer long term partner comes along. Things are not the end all-be all if your supposed twin flame never shows up to save the world together. Save your dignity first since the demons dig and assured and confident people. Coincidentally, this mindset also attracts others, so that’s a win-win.

Humsika Srikanth

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