Etsy: Important Update

Etsy: Important Update

Hello guys. 

I'm in London these days so I don't have much time to write, but I just want you to give you some information, as it has come to your attention that my Etsy's shop is closed.

I always prefer to stay away with involving my customers with drama and problems that are not their business, but my decision has just to do with the last phenomenal decision of the platform - a three month payment amount reserve applied to shop owners, even if they have done nothing wrong or are prominent like mine. 

With around 250 orders a month... there is no way on earth that I'm going to accept this. 

I know this is a disappointment for some of you but I don't want to be part of what it sounds like an excuse to use sellers money interest free for an extended time. I'm doing phenomenally well in my country and in my website. I decide how to run my business. 

Etsy still must provide me more clarity, but for now, I will only be available for spell-work in my website. 

Please be very aware of scammers and impostors, as they are going to step in. My law firm will now go to their yugular, but remember - is your responsibility to exercise common-sense about something that to me it's very obvious - my success has lead to the massive pop-up of imitators offering the same listings as I do, with zero spell work involved. Don't be naive. 

About my spells, I will be working as usual.

Thank you. Hail Lilith. Hail Lucifer. 


I wish I had found you before going through a treacherous journey with others— I love you Lilith, you are very talented!

Tanya R

Ich bin so glücklich, dass mich meine Intuition noch rechtzeitig über Etsy zu dir geführt hat. Ich mache schon lange weiße Magie und konnte meine Feine in Schach halten. Doch ich kam einfach nicht weiter, sie zu vernichten. Seit ich Lilith gefunden habe und ihre wundervollen Zauber gebucht habe, bin ich wieder zuversichtlich, dass die Angelegenheit bald ein Ende findet und ich wieder in Ruhe und Frieden leben kann. Ich werde weitere Zauber über diese Seite kaufen. Danke Lilith für deine wundervolle Arbeit. Alles Liebe und Gute für dich.


I see people copying and using the same picture \ thumbnails as you all over after you start it— including someone I used to go to that I switched to you from after something went really wrong after their spell. You had to help me with aftermath of. Glad I read this post and have you on Instagram now too 😘

Es Em

Will follow you anywhere!!!


Lilith you are amazing! You changed my life and I’ll follow you anywhere and always!
And OMG Etsy is full of scammers copying you, crazy!


I support your decision! Your work is so much bigger than those greedy MFs at Etsy


I don’t hide from you that I was worried, thinking that there was a hack (there was indeed a massive hack of gmail accounts, a few months ago, despite two-step authentication and me – even, having been hacked at that time).

But it’s reassuring to know that in the end, it wasn’t due to this reason, although Etsy’s decision for the three-month payment reserve is quite “special”: I would be surprised if the site kept this decision for a very long time, I think.

The site remains the safe base to use your services, both to contact you via the “Contact” section, and your instagram account.

Thanks again for this update and see you soon.


That was the only way I could afford you :(


I’m so happy for you. You deserve all you worked for. A special gift you have.

Latrice Skipper

Hi Lilith, will purchased already via Etsy spells be carried on as usual? Do you need us to send you details again via email?


I am so happy to know that we are able to work with you despite the shenanigans of Etsy!


I think what you’ve built ruffles a lot of feathers. Not merely competition, but also folk who are fearful and ignorant of what you do and what you represent. You provide a service and run a business, but I dare say you’ve built a culture and gathered a following as well. Hail Lila and Lilith Cult!🖤


Where can we message you?

Alfonso Acosta

So glad you leaving Etsy was not the end of the rope for those across the globe who still benefit from your talent.


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